Reuters published several articles discussing how Europe is addressing the Ebola epidemic.

Reuters: Diplomats discuss E.U. military coordination against Ebola
“European Union diplomats will discuss a plan to give the E.U. a coordinating role for European military missions countering the spread of Ebola in West Africa. E.U. officials and diplomats said the plan proposed by foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton lists several options to step up and coordinate efforts by the bloc’s 28 countries…” (Guarascio/Macdonald, 10/13).

Reuters: France says will build more Ebola treatment centers in Guinea
“France said on Monday it had agreed to set up new treatment centers for Ebola in Guinea after the United States asked for further assistance to fight the deadly epidemic in West Africa. The French president’s office said Francois Hollande had spoken to his U.S. counterpart in the evening about ways to tackle the worst outbreak of the disease on record…” (Huet, 10/13).

Reuters: Spain to increase Ebola training as nurse remains seriously ill
“Spain will ramp up training for health workers and emergency services dealing with Ebola cases, authorities said on Monday, as a nurse who caught the virus in Madrid after caring for infected patients remained seriously ill. A broader training program is being developed, said health care academic Fernando Rodriguez Artalejo, who is part of a scientific committee advising the government…” (De Miguel/White, 10/13).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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