Editorials, Opinion Pieces Discuss Various Aspects Of Ebola Epidemic
The following editorials and opinion pieces discuss various aspects of the Ebola epidemic.
New England Journal of Medicine: Ebola and Quarantine
Editorial Board
“The governors of a number of states, including New York and New Jersey, recently imposed 21-day quarantines on health care workers returning to the United States from regions of the world where they may have cared for patients with Ebola virus disease. We understand their motivation for this policy — to protect the citizens of their states from contracting this often-fatal illness. … In the end, the calculus is simple, and we think the governors have it wrong. … As we continue to learn more about this virus, its transmission, and associated illness, we must continue to revisit our approach to its control and treatment. We should be guided by the science and not the tremendous fear that this virus evokes…” (10/27).
New York Times: The Dangers of Quarantines
Editorial Board
“…There is absolutely no public health justification for mandatory quarantines. … The problem with a mandatory quarantine, even if done at home, is that it can discourage heath care workers from volunteering to fight the virus at its source in West Africa. … Policies that will reduce the chances of recruiting additional volunteers — without actually protecting the public — will only make the Ebola crisis worse” (10/27).
Washington Post: Ebola fears should not lead to overreaction
Editorial Board
“…The right answer is to protect the public without overreacting. Mistakes made in the Dallas hospital ought to be a warning and a lesson, and it seems to us that they are being taken as such. … The most serious shortcoming in the global response to Ebola has been a lack of health care workers where they’re most needed. Those … who volunteer for this duty deserve our utmost respect and thanks, and proper care upon return. They must not be stigmatized or mistreated even in understandable moments of dread, and irrational steps that could discourage others from volunteering must be avoided” (10/27).
New York Times: Letters To The Editor: Are Ebola Quarantines Necessary?
Joan Bregstein and colleagues from Columbia University, and others
Washington Post: Ebola, smallpox and anthrax show how public health doctors err, and then respond
David Brown, former Washington Post science writer
Toronto Star: Ebola outbreak exposes flawed Canadian aid policy
Jonathan Millard, African studies scholar
Washington Post: Ebola and Obama’s crisis of competence
Marc Thiessen, Washington Post columnist
The Hill: Why West Africa’s Ebola fight matters in the West
Peter Westmacott, U.K. ambassador to the United States
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.