Brazilian Town, Researchers Work To Prevent, Investigate Zika Virus

Huffington Post: How A Town In Brazil Reportedly Rid Itself Of The Zika Mosquito
“…Compared to other similarly sized rural towns in Brazil, Água Branca should have a mosquito problem. But in 2013, when Zika virus wasn’t even an issue, the town launched a community initiative to address rising dengue fever rates. The partnership between municipal health authorities and residents focused on eliminating mosquito hotspots, and as a result, Água Branca has reportedly been mosquito-free for three years. Now the state’s governor is taking the program to other towns, where officials hope to replicate Água Branca’s success…” (Rosa/Almendrala, 2/29).

Newsweek: How a Small Team of Doctors Convinced the World to Stop Ignoring Zika
“…Urged on by an independent experts committee, the WHO finally decreed a global health emergency in February 2016. After weeks of sleepless nights, [physician Carlos Brito, who investigated Brazil’s microcephaly outbreak] — the father of three young women — could finally breathe; the world had opened its eyes to the medical crisis that was first uncovered three months ago by a small group of doctors in northeast Brazil. Public health officials across the Americas are now working feverishly to devise some solution to Zika…” (Braga, 2/29).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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