Abortion Coverage in Marketplace Plans, 2015 January 21, 2015 Issue Brief This brief analyzes state policies and insurer coverage decisions affecting the availability of abortion coverage in 2015 insurance plans offered through the Marketplaces. It finds that abortion coverage is unavailable in a total of 31 states, 24 of which have enacted laws that ban or restrict abortion coverage in plans sold through their Marketplaces and 7 of which have no abortion coverage restrictions but also have no Marketplace plans offering it.
Coverage of Preventive Services for Adults in Medicaid November 13, 2014 Issue Brief This brief highlights data from a survey of state Medicaid programs conducted by KCMU on coverage of preventive services recommended for non-elderly adults before the ACA was enacted.
An Update on Coverage for Preventive Services Under the Affordable Care Act October 28, 2014 News Release An updated fact sheet from the Kaiser Family Foundation summarizes the latest information on health plan coverage of preventive services under the Affordable Care Act. The fact sheet details the rules that govern when plans are required to cover services without cost-sharing and which services are covered. In addition, the…
New Analysis Examines Paid Time Off for Working Mothers when Their Children are Sick October 21, 2014 News Release For many women, missing work when their children have a cold or upset stomach takes a financial toll on family income. A new data note from the Kaiser Family Foundation reports on the number of working mothers who must take unpaid time off when their children are sick and discusses…
Analysis: Opportunities Under the ACA for Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Among Women With HIV October 21, 2014 News Release An estimated 36 percent of women in the U.S. report having experienced intimate partner violence (IPV), also called domestic violence, but among HIV positive women 55 percent report such experiences. A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis looks at opportunities to address IPV in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that could…
HIV, Intimate Partner Violence, and Women: New Opportunities Under the Affordable Care Act October 21, 2014 Issue Brief This issue brief provides an overview of new opportunities presented by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for addressing intimate partner violence (IPV) among women who are HIV positive or at risk for HIV.
Data Note: Balancing on Shaky Ground: Women, Work and Family Health October 20, 2014 Issue Brief Based on findings from a national Kaiser survey, this analysis examines paid time off for working mothers when their children are sick and the disproportionate impact on women with lower incomes and part-time jobs.
Interactive Map Shows Recent Evolution of State Policies Shaping Access to Abortion Coverage in Medicaid and Private Insurance September 19, 2014 News Release A new interactive map from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides a broad look at states’ laws shaping access to coverage for abortion in Medicaid and private insurance. The map includes the ability to view snapshots showing the extent of such limitations in states across the nation for the years 2000,…
Coverage for Abortion Services and the ACA September 19, 2014 Issue Brief This issue brief, Coverage of Abortion Services and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), summarizes the major coverage provisions of the ACA that are relevant for women of reproductive age, reviews current federal and state policies on Medicaid and insurance coverage of abortion services as they relate to the ACA, and presents national and state estimates on the availability of abortion coverage for women who are newly eligible for Medicaid or private coverage through the Marketplaces as a result of the ACA.
Infographic: How Does Where You Work Affect Your Contraceptive Coverage? September 8, 2014 News Release The Affordable Care Act’s requirement that most private health insurance plans provide contraceptive coverage has been the focus of ongoing litigation in the federal courts. In response to recent Supreme Court actions in the Hobby Lobby and College of Wheaton cases, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued…