Surprise Bills Often Hit in Emergencies December 9, 2019 Perspective In an Axios column, Drew Altman previews new data highlighting that people with critical health issues are especially vulnerable to these bills.
State-by-State Effects of a Ruling for the Challengers in King v. Burwell June 2, 2015 Interactive A map and table showing the number of people now receiving premium subsidies who would lose them if the Court finds for the challengers; the total amount of federal subsidy dollars; the average subsidy (or average premium tax credit) that subsidized enrollees have qualified for; and the average increase in premiums that subsidized enrollees would face if the subsidies are disallowed.
Early Analysis In Eleven States Finds Modest Increases For ACA Silver Plans June 24, 2015 News Release A Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans in major metropolitan areas in 11 states where data are available, including the District of Columbia, finds that preliminary 2016 premiums for benchmark silver plans grew modestly, but increased more sharply this year than last year. The average increase for benchmark plans across the cities is 4.4 percent for 2016 compared with a 2 percent increase nationwide in 2015.
Analysis Estimates 1 in 4 Employers Offering Health Benefits Could Be Affected by the ‘Cadillac Tax’ in 2018 if Current Trends Continue August 25, 2015 News Release Share of Potentially-Affected Employers Could Grow to 30% in 2023, 42% in 2028, Analysis Finds New projections from the Kaiser Family Foundation estimate that one in four employers (26%) offering health benefits could be subject to the Affordable Care Act’s tax on high-cost health plans, also known as the “Cadillac…
The Affordable Care Act Doesn’t Rank Highly As an Issue for Voters in the Presidential Primaries January 28, 2016 News Release Despite Anecdotal Reports about Narrow Networks, 87% of Working-Age Adults with Insurance Are Satisfied With Their Plan’s Choice of Doctors; 12% Say They Had to Change Doctors in Past Year As the ACA’s Open Enrollment Nears End, Most of Those Who Remain Uninsured Are Disengaged While this month Congress passed…
The Republicans’ Jekyll-and-Hyde Health Care Plan June 22, 2017 Perspective In this New York Times op-ed, “The Republicans’ Jekyll-and-Hyde Health Care Plan,” Drew Altman examines the Senate health plan.
Another Year of Record ACA Marketplace Signups, Driven in Part by Medicaid Unwinding and Enhanced Subsidies January 24, 2024 Blog Open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces is about to wrap up with another record high number of people signing up for coverage. Factors that contribute to this increase include unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment, increased subsidies from the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act, and increased marketing, outreach, and enrollment assistance.
Has Marriage Equality for LGBTQ People Impacted Access to Domestic Partner Health Benefits? October 26, 2023 Issue Brief In this data note, based on KFF’s 2023 Employer Health Benefit Survey, we assess the current status of domestic partner health insurance benefit offerings for same-sex spouses.
Insurer Rebates under the Medical Loss Ratio: 2012 Estimates April 1, 2012 Report Beginning in 2011, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance plans to pay out a minimum percentage of premium dollars towards health care expenses and quality improvement activities, limiting the amount spent on administrative and marketing costs and profit. Under the law, large group plans are required to spend at…
Quick Take: Timing Matters: States Waiting for a Supreme Court Decision to Plan an Exchange May 23, 2012 Fact Sheet State-based health insurance exchanges are an important component of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) designed to extend subsidized private health insurance coverage to millions of Americans by 2014. Though projections show exchange enrollment could grow to 20 million individuals nationally, aggressive planning on the part of states…