JAMA Forum: A To-Do List for the New CEO of the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace September 3, 2014 Perspective Larry Levitt’s July 2014 post at the JAMA Forum assesses early indications of how well the Affordable Care Act is working.
Navigating the Health Insurance Landscape: What’s next for Navigators, In-person Assisters and Brokers? August 5, 2014 Event On August 5, 2014, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Alliance for Health Reform hosted a briefing to discuss navigator and other in-person assistance programs under Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation.
The Potential Side Effects of Halbig July 31, 2014 Perspective The Halbig case, if it prevails, would have far-reaching side effects on the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate and the functioning of the individual insurance market.
What’s Trending in Health Care? Conservative Ideas July 15, 2014 News Release What’s Trending in Health Care? Conservative Ideas In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman cuts through the political debate and reviews how some ideas conservatives like are taking hold in the American health system. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available online.
What’s Trending in Health Care? Conservative Ideas July 15, 2014 Perspective In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman cuts through the political debate and reviews how some ideas conservatives like are taking hold in the American health system.
National Survey Finds 10.6 Million People Helped By Navigators and Assisters During the Affordable Care Act’s First Open Enrollment Period July 15, 2014 News Release An estimated 10.6 million people nationally received personal help from navigators and assisters during the Affordable Care Act’s first open enrollment period, finds a new Kaiser Family Foundation survey of navigators and assister programs nationally. The survey estimates that the 4,400 assister programs operating nationally had an estimated 28,000 full-time staff and volunteers, suggesting each assister would have helped more than 370 people on average during the six-month open enrollment period that ran from October 1 through March 31.
Survey of Health Insurance Marketplace Assister Programs July 15, 2014 Report This survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation of Navigators and other Marketplace consumer assistance programs under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) offers a nationwide analysis of the number and distribution of assisters and people they helped. The report examines the experience of programs in conducting outreach and enrollment assistance during the first open enrollment period. It also reviews the nature of help consumers needed applying for Medicaid or premium tax credits and understanding health insurance choices, and discusses key factors that impacted the effectiveness of Marketplace Assister Programs.
JAMA Forum: How Well is the Affordable Care Act Working? July 9, 2014 Perspective Larry Levitt’s July 2014 post at the JAMA Forum assesses early indications of how well the Affordable Care Act is working.
Workers Wary of Wellness Programs that Tie Premiums to Participation and Outcomes July 1, 2014 News Release June Poll Finds No Change in Public’s Overall View of the Affordable Care Act Most in Military Households Say VA Problems Are Systemic and Care Not As Good As What Other Americans Receive As many employers begin to expand their wellness programs under new guidelines set forth by the Affordable…