Medicaid’s Disabled Population and Managed Care April 29, 2001 Fact Sheet Medicaid’s Disabled Population and Managed CareThis fact sheet highlights the key facts about the Medicaid managed care programs that serve persons with disabilities. It describes the Medicaid disabled population and the role managed care plays in serving them. It also provides information on enrollment in managed care, program features, and…
Medicaid’s Role for the Disabled Population Under Age 65 April 2, 2001 Fact Sheet Medicaid’s Role for the Disabled Population Under Age 65Defines the non-elderly disabled and summarizes Medicaid’s role in their health care coverage. Includes a description of enrollment requirements, benefits, spending and managed care concerns for the population.Fact Sheet
Health News Index March/April, 2001 March 31, 2001 Poll Finding Health News Index March/April, 2001 The March/April, 2001 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/HarvardSchool of Public Health Health News Index includes questions about major health stories covered in the news, including questions about the financial future of Social Security and Medicare. The Health News Index is designed to help…
Making Medicare Work Better March 31, 2001 Report This report by the Institute for Medicare Practice at Mount Sinai School of Medicine takes a hard look at the operational challenges facing Medicare and considers incremental, structural changes to improve the management of the Medicare program from the standpoint of beneficiaries and providers. Based on interviews with key experts…
Medicaid Managed Care for Dual Eligibles: State Profiles March 2, 2001 Report Over half a million duals were enrolled in Medicaid managed care programs in 1999. This report summarizes these efforts across the nation and profiles initiatives in each state.Background Paper
Medicaid Managed Care for Dual Eligibles: Case Studies of Programs in Georgia, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania March 2, 2001 Report This report, a companion piece to publication #2246, presents detailed case studies of the managed care programs that enroll dual eligibles in three states: Georgia, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.Report
Improving Prescription Drug Coverage: Opportunities and Challenges for Reform March 1, 2001 Event Tricia Neuman, Vice President and Director of the Medicare Policy Project, testified before the Senate Finance Committee on prescription drug coverage under Medicare. The statement reviews existing sources of prescription drug coverage for Medicare beneficiaries and the importance of such coverage for this population. It reviews current approaches for improving…
Medicaid’s Role for Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries February 1, 2001 Fact Sheet Medicaid’s Role for Low-Income Medicare BeneficiariesAn overview that identifies low-income Medicare beneficiaries (dual eligibles), how Medicaid can provide care for them, and the challenges to accessing care.Fact Sheet
Prescription Drug Coverage for the Medicare Population January 31, 2001 Report Diane Rowland, executive director of the Commission, testified to the Subcommittee on Health of the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce about providing prescription drugs to seniors. Her testimony includes discussion of Medicaid's role in providing outpatient drug coverage.Testimony Chart Pack
Post-Election Survey: The Public and the Health Care Agenda for the New Administration and Congress January 1, 2001 Poll Finding This Kaiser Family Foundation-Harvard School of Public Health survey, conducted immediately after the 2000 Presidential election, finds that health care issues ranked near the top of voters priorities for spending the surplus. Medicare ranked among the top three priorities, along with education and Social Security, and ahead of paying off…