Community Health Centers in an Era of Health System Reform and Economic Downturn: Prospects and Challenges March 1, 2009 Issue Brief This issue brief reviews the role of community health centers in the nation’s health care safety net. The centers provided comprehensive primary care to 16.1 million patients in 2007, many of them from lower-income families and medically underserved communities. The role of the centers is even more critical during an…
Today’s Topics In Health Disparities: The Effect of the Economic Downturn on the Health of Communities of Color March 1, 2009 Event Transcript (.pdf) On Wednesday, March 25, the Kaiser Family Foundation held a live, interactive webcast to examine the economic downturn’s impact on health care in communities of color as part of its Today’s Topics In Health Disparities series. Rising unemployment has left many families uninsured and increasingly strained family finances…
National Health Insurance — A Brief History Of Reform Efforts In The U.S. February 28, 2009 Issue Brief This policy brief provides an overview of health reform efforts in the United States over much of the last century, from New Deal-era calls for government-subsidized health coverage to the creation of Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s and the failed attempt at universal coverage in the early 1990s. Issue…
Health Affairs Article: Beyond Incrementalism? SCHIP and the Politics of Health Reform February 28, 2009 Report This article examines the political and legislative history of the Children’s Health Insurance Program and analyzes the lessons for policymakers who are contemplating broader health care reform. It was published online in the journal Health Affairs and was authored by Jonathan Oberlander, an associate professor, social medicine and health policy…
Pulling it Together: What Will Health Reform Do For Me? February 24, 2009 Perspective There is one poll number that may be more important to watch than any other if we have a big debate about health reform: The percentage of Americans who think that they or their families would be better off if the president and the Congress enacted major health reform legislation.…
Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA) February 12, 2009 Fact Sheet This fact sheet provides an overview of provisions of the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA), which was signed into law in February 2009. The Act extends and expands the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (now referred to as CHIP, not SCHIP) that was enacted with bipartisan…
The Cost of Cancer February 5, 2009 Video This Kaiser Family Foundation documentary explores the financial consequences faced by three people, all privately insured, after being diagnosed with cancer. It was released in conjunction with a joint Kaiser/American Cancer Society report, “Spending To Survive: Cancer Patients Confront Holes in the Health Insurance System.” To download the video, right-click…
Healthy San Francisco February 1, 2009 Fact Sheet In 2007, San Francisco became the first city in the nation to begin implementation of a plan to provide health care services to all uninsured residents. Healthy San Francisco is not health insurance, but rather it provides access to affordable basic and ongoing health care services for uninsured residents. The…
Report and Video Highlight Health Coverage Struggles, Other Economic Concerns of Working Families February 1, 2009 Event This report and video from the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (KCMU) illustrate the financial struggles of many families in the United States and show the central role of health care costs and coverage in a household’s economic stability. The report, Snapshots from the Kitchen Table:…
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — February 2009 February 1, 2009 Poll Finding The first Kaiser Health Tracking Poll of 2009 finds the public is increasingly worried about the affordability and availability of care, with many postponing or skipping treatments due to cost in the past year and a notable minority forced into serious financial straits due to medical bills. Slightly more than…