Health Reform and State Workforce Challenges: An Early Look at Five States September 2, 2010 Report This report provides an early look at state efforts to prepare for health reform, examining the experiences to date in five states (Connecticut, Michigan, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Washington). The report finds that the state political environment and expected leadership transitions create uncertainties and are already factoring into state strategies…
Optimizing Medicaid Enrollment: Spotlight on Technology – Louisiana’s Express Lane Eligibility August 1, 2010 Issue Brief This piece looks at how Louisiana uses “express lane eligibility” to increase and streamline the enrollment of low-income children in its Medicaid program. It is the first in a Spotlight on Technology series profiling several states’ innovative applications of technology to Medicaid enrollment efforts. The series illustrates a range of…
State Medicaid Agencies Prepare for Health Care Reform While Continuing to Face Challenges from the Recession August 1, 2010 Issue Brief This report, based on discussions with leading state Medicaid directors in May 2010, examines how Medicaid agencies are preparing for a lead role in implementing health reform while continuing to deal with the impact of the recession. The report augments the most recent annual Medicaid budget survey report, released in…
Explaining Health Reform: Eligibility And Enrollment Processes For Medicaid, CHIP and Subsidies in the Exchange August 1, 2010 Issue Brief The new health reform law will require most U.S. citizens and legal residents to have health coverage by 2014. It provides new options for coverage by expanding Medicaid eligibility to more low-income people and creating a state-based system of health insurance exchanges through which individuals can purchase coverage, with federal…
Optimizing Medicaid Enrollment: Spotlight on Technology July 30, 2010 Report The health reform law provides for a national expansion of Medicaid in 2014 that will extend eligibility to millions more low-income people, primarily uninsured adults. It also requires implementation of a coordinated system for determining eligibility for Medicaid and subsidized coverage in the new health insurance exchanges. Given the expected…
Health Reform Issues: Key Issues About State Financing and Medicaid May 28, 2010 Issue Brief This updated issue brief from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured examines key issues related to state financing and the expansion of the Medicaid program under the new health reform law. Issue Brief (.pdf)
Medicaid Coverage and Spending in Health Reform: National and State-By-State Results for Adults at or Below 133% FPL May 1, 2010 Report This analysis, performed by the Urban Institute for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, shows that the expansion of Medicaid under the health reform law will significantly increase the number of people covered by the program and reduce the uninsured in states across the country, with the federal…
Resources Examine Medicaid Enrollment Growth And State Budget Pressures February 18, 2010 Fact Sheet This package of resources examines the substantial enrollment growth in Medicaid between June 2008 and June 2009 and provides a mid fiscal-year 2010 update on key state Medicaid issues, including the impacts of the economic downturn. News Release With the country in a deep recession, nearly 3.3 million more people…
Kaiser Analysis Finds Record Medicaid Enrollment Growth in 2009 February 18, 2010 News Release Largest Ever One-Year Increase Illustrates Medicaid’s Role In Covering People During Economic Downturns But Further Strains Tight State Budgets WASHINGTON, D.C. – With the country mired in a deep recession, nearly 3.3 million more people were enrolled in state Medicaid programs in June 2009 compared to the previous June, according…
From Crunch to Crisis: State Budgets, Medicaid and the Economy February 1, 2010 Event Medicaid programs are feeling the strain as enrollment grows while state revenues come in lower than projected. How are Medicaid directors coping? How is the recession affecting low-income individuals and families? This briefing, cosponsored by the Alliance for Health Reform and the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, addressed…