A Study of Media Coverage of Health Policy 1997-2000 December 31, 2001 Poll Finding The debate over President Clinton’s national health care reform plan put health care policy at the forefront of the national agenda in 1993 and 1994. After the end of that debate, it remained to be seen whether or not health policy would hold the media’s and the public s interest…
Medicare Chartbook December 1, 2001 Report The Medicare Chartbook includes data and background information critical to understanding the Medicare program and the challenges it faces in keeping up with the rising costs of health care and in ensuring the program s future financial security.
The Future of Retiree Health Benefits: Challenges and Options October 30, 2001 Event Tricia Neuman, Vice President and Director of the Medicare Policy Project testified before the House Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations on retiree health coverage for older Americans. The statement describes the health needs of aging adults and the importance of health insurance coverage at a time in their lives when they…
Key Facts: Women and Medicare July 1, 2001 Report Medicare is a critical source of health insurance coverage for virtually all older women in the U.S. and for many younger women who have permanent disabilities. Today, 22 million women one in five adult women rely on Medicare for basic health insurance protection. In fact, women comprise 57% of the…
Medicare and Prescription Drug Focus Groups July 1, 2001 Report Summary Report This report, : Summary Report, produced jointly by the bipartisan team of Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies and Geoff Garin of Peter D. Hart Research Associates, presents key findings from a series of eight focus groups on the Medicare program and the current debate over prescription drug…
Women and Medicare June 29, 2001 Fact Sheet Medicare is a critical source of health insurance coverage for virtually all older women in the U.S. and for many younger women who have permanent disabilities. Because women have longer life expectancies than men, more than half (57%) of the people covered by the program are women. In 1999, there…
Targeting Medicare Drug Benefits: Costs and Issues May 30, 2001 Report This report, written by Marilyn Moon and Matthew Storeygard of the Urban Institute, estimates the potential cost of targeting drug benefits to low-income Medicare beneficiaries and those with catastrophic drug expenses and discusses some of the key programmatic issues that could arise under this approach. The authors predict that a…
Making Medicare Work Better March 31, 2001 Report This report by the Institute for Medicare Practice at Mount Sinai School of Medicine takes a hard look at the operational challenges facing Medicare and considers incremental, structural changes to improve the management of the Medicare program from the standpoint of beneficiaries and providers. Based on interviews with key experts…
Improving Prescription Drug Coverage: Opportunities and Challenges for Reform March 1, 2001 Event Tricia Neuman, Vice President and Director of the Medicare Policy Project, testified before the Senate Finance Committee on prescription drug coverage under Medicare. The statement reviews existing sources of prescription drug coverage for Medicare beneficiaries and the importance of such coverage for this population. It reviews current approaches for improving…
Medicaid’s Role for Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries February 1, 2001 Fact Sheet Medicaid’s Role for Low-Income Medicare BeneficiariesAn overview that identifies low-income Medicare beneficiaries (dual eligibles), how Medicaid can provide care for them, and the challenges to accessing care.Fact Sheet