Prospects for Retiree Health Benefits as Medicare Drug Coverage Begins – Report November 29, 2005 Report Prospects for Retiree Health Benefits as Medicare Drug Coverage Begins:Findings from the Kaiser/Hewitt 2005 Survey on Retiree Health Benefits – ReportThis report assesses how large businesses that provide retiree health benefits to their workers are responding to the new Medicare drug benefit in 2006, their plans for the future, and…
Prospects for Retiree Health Benefits as Medicare Drug Coverage Begins – Chartpack November 29, 2005 Report Prospects for Retiree Health Benefits as Medicare Drug Coverage Begins:Findings from the Kaiser/Hewitt 2005 Survey on Retiree Health Benefits – ChartpackThis chartpack presents key data from the 2005 Kaiser/Hewitt survey of large businesses that provide retiree health benefits to their workers.Chartpack (.pdf)
Prospects for Retiree Health Benefits as Medicare Drug Coverage Begins November 29, 2005 Poll Finding Findings from the Kaiser/Hewitt 2005 Survey on Retiree Health BenefitsThe 2005 Kaiser/Hewitt survey of large businesses that provide retiree health benefits to their workers assesses their responses to the new Medicare drug benefit in 2006, their plans for the future, and the way these changes affect retirees. It also looks…
Displaced by Hurricane Katrina: Issues and Options for Medicare Beneficiaries October 31, 2005 Issue Brief An estimated 200,000 Medicare beneficiaries were displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Medicare played a key role in meeting the health care needs of the elderly and disabled beneficiaries who were displaced by the hurricane. Many of these beneficiaries face new challenges as a direct result of the hurricane. This issue brief…
Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act Implementation Timeline: June 2004 – December 2006 Key Dates May 30, 2005 Report Key Implementation Dates for the Medicare Prescription Drug BenefitThis timeline presents important dates and deadlines of key implementation activities related to the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA). It runs from the beginning of 2005 through the end of 2006, the first year of the new…
Summary of Final Regulations Implementing the New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit January 31, 2005 Issue Brief This document summarizes the final regulations to implement the new Medicare prescription drug benefit. The regulations were published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as a final rule in the Jan. 28 Federal Register. It provides an overview that allows interested parties to obtain information about specific…
Current Trends and Future Outlook for Retiree Health Benefits: Findings from the Kaiser/Hewitt 2004 Survey on Retiree Health Benefits November 30, 2004 Report This survey documents the increasing costs of retiree benefits for both large private-sector employers and their retirees. It also provides an early look at the response of large employers to the Medicare prescription drug law and the subsidies it provides for maintaining retiree drug coverage. Download Full Report (.pdf) Chartpack (.pdf)
Summary of the Proposed Rule to Implement the New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit November 30, 2004 Issue Brief In August 2004, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published a proposed rule to implement the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Title I of the Medicare Modernization Act). Given the high level of interest in the proposed rules for implementing the Medicare drug benefit, the Kaiser Family Foundation commissioned Health…
Prescription Drug Spending Under The MMA: Modeling The Impact On Out-of-Pocket Costs November 1, 2004 Event This report projects the impact of the new Medicare drug benefit on out-of-pocket spending for people who enroll in 2006. The analysis is based on a model developed by the Actuarial Research Corporation for the Kaiser Family Foundation. The model generally conforms to the Congressional Budget Office’s assumptions and projections…
Estimates of Medicare Beneficiaries’ Out-of-Pocket Drug Spending in 2006 November 1, 2004 Report This report projects the impact of the new Medicare drug benefit on out-of-pocket spending for people who enroll in 2006. This analysis from November 2004 estimates that 6.9 million beneficiaries are projected to be affected by the coverage gap (the so-called “doughnut hole”) in the standard Part D drug benefit.…