Retired Steelworkers and Their Health Benefits: Results from a 2004 Survey May 2, 2006 Report This Kaiser survey report looks at how the bankruptcies of two steel companies, the LTV Corporation and Bethlehem Steel, affected health coverage for the companies' retirees and dependents. The bankruptcies left about 200,000 retirees and spouses without retiree health coverage in 2002 and 2003. The report provides insight into the…
Summary of Final Regulations Implementing the New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit January 31, 2005 Issue Brief This document summarizes the final regulations to implement the new Medicare prescription drug benefit. The regulations were published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as a final rule in the Jan. 28 Federal Register. It provides an overview that allows interested parties to obtain information about specific…
Marketing and Privacy Issues: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations September 2, 2004 Issue Brief This paper, by Joy Pritts of the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University, looks at issues related to drug plan marketing activities and privacy under the MMA.Issue Brief (.pdf)
Grievance and Appeals Procedures: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations September 1, 2004 Issue Brief This paper, by Sara Rosenbaum, J.D., Director of the Center for Health Services Research and Policy at George Washington University, examines the procedures for resolving beneficiaries' grievances and appeals under the new Medicare drug benefit. It is one in a series commissioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation that analyzes issues…
Raising Medicare’s Age of Eligibility to 67 Would Achieve Significant Savings, But Shift Costs To 65- and 66-Year-Olds, Other Individuals, Employers and Medicaid, New Analysis Shows July 18, 2011 News Release Study Estimates Two in Three People Ages 65 and 66 Would Pay $2,200 More On Average For Health Care in 2014 Than They Would If They Remained in Medicare MENLO PARK, Calif. — Raising Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 67 in 2014 would generate an estimated $5.7 billion in…
Trends in Medicare Supplemental Insurance and Prescription Drug Benefits, 1996-2001Data Update May 31, 2004 Report Trends in Medicare Supplemental Insurance and Prescription Drug Benefits, 1996-2001 Data UpdateThis data update provides estimates of supplemental insurance and prescription drug coverage rates and trends between 1996 and 2001, which will help to provide important context for assessing future changes in supplemental insurance and drug coverage rates after provisions…
Retiree Health Benefits Now and in the Future, Report December 31, 2003 Report Retiree Health Benefits Now and In the Future – ReportThis survey, conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Hewitt Associates between June and September 2003 provides detailed information on retiree health programs offered by large private-sector employers. The data in this survey reflect the responses of 408 large firms (private-sector…
Retiree Health Trends and Implications of Possible Medicare Reforms November 29, 1997 Fact Sheet The availability of employer-sponsored retiree health benefits from large companies has declined since 1991, according to a new study conducted for the Kaiser Family Foundation by Hewitt Associates LLC. The study also shows that the number of big businesses charging premiums, tightening eligibility requirements, encouraging use of managed care, and…
Prospects for Retiree Health Benefits as Medicare Drug Coverage Begins – Chartpack November 29, 2005 Report Prospects for Retiree Health Benefits as Medicare Drug Coverage Begins:Findings from the Kaiser/Hewitt 2005 Survey on Retiree Health Benefits – ChartpackThis chartpack presents key data from the 2005 Kaiser/Hewitt survey of large businesses that provide retiree health benefits to their workers.Chartpack (.pdf)
Displaced by Hurricane Katrina: Issues and Options for Medicare Beneficiaries October 31, 2005 Issue Brief An estimated 200,000 Medicare beneficiaries were displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Medicare played a key role in meeting the health care needs of the elderly and disabled beneficiaries who were displaced by the hurricane. Many of these beneficiaries face new challenges as a direct result of the hurricane. This issue brief…