Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — February 2012 March 1, 2012 Poll Finding In the midst of continuing debate on the future of the Medicare program, the February Kaiser Family Foundation Tracking Poll finds most Americans and most seniors favor the status quo, though arguments about the program’s solvency have the potential to sway opinion toward new proposals. The survey also gauges public…
KFF February Health Tracking Poll: Nearly Half Confused About Status of the Health Reform Law March 1, 2012 Perspective The latest Kaiser Health Tracking poll finds that amid a public debate about contraceptive coverage in insurance plans, 63 percent of Americans support a new federal requirement that plans include no-cost birth control, while a third oppose it. Catholics split along similar lines, but there’s a big partisan divide, including among…
Insurance Coverage of Contraceptives February 21, 2012 Perspective In this post, we answer some of the key questions about the new contraceptive coverage policy generally, and more specifically, how it will be applied to religious organizations.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — August 2011 August 1, 2011 Poll Finding The August tracking poll examines the views of Americans without health insurance, with a particular focus on how they think the health reform law will affect them. Findings from the poll include: Although estimates are that 32 million uninsured Americans will gain coverage under the ACA, only about half of…
Congress and Global Health: What Lies Ahead? April 21, 2011 Event This April 21 In Focus webcast features an expert panel examining the new legislative landscape of the 112th Congress and what the current budget battles mean for U.S. global health programs.
Kaiser Family Foundation Forum: World Progress in Maternal and Child Health, and the Future Role for the U.S. May 24, 2010 Event This webcast captures the May 24, 2010, forum examining progress in improving maternal and child health worldwide, and the role on the U.S. in pursuing those efforts.
The U.S. Global Health Initiative: Issues and Perspectives April 14, 2010 Event This April 2010 webcast features a discussion of issues and challenges for the Obama Administration’s Global Health Initiative and features three senior-level officials involved in the initiative, as well as outside perspectives of the challenges it faces.
Today’s Topics In Health Disparities: What Might Health Reform Mean for Women of Color? December 10, 2009 Event This December 16, 2009, Today’s Topics In Health Disparities webcast examined aspects of the current Senate and House health reform bills that particularly impact women of color. Women tend to be greater users of the health care system than men, have higher rates of some chronic illnesses, and have unique…
State Medicaid Coverage of Family Planning Services: Summary of State Survey Findings November 1, 2009 Report This report presents state-by-state policies on coverage of key areas in reproductive health for low-income women, including contraception, preconception care, screenings for sexually transmitted diseases and coverage within special state Medicaid family planning programs.
State Medicaid Coverage of Perinatal Services: Summary of State Survey Findings November 1, 2009 Report The report examines state Medicaid program policies regarding coverage of pregnancy-related services. It details state-level Medicaid eligibility and enrollment policies for pregnant women, as well as scope of coverage for prenatal and screening services, delivery and post-partum care, educational classes and support services.