Comparison of Consumer Protections in Three Health Insurance Markets: Medicare Advantage, Qualified Health Plans and Medicaid Managed Care Organizations March 19, 2015 Report This report examines similarities and differences in federal consumer protection standards for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, Qualified Health Plans (QHPs), and Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). It focuses on rules established at the federal level, though some states have chosen to go above the federal minimums and impose additional requirements for QHPs and Medicaid MCOs.
One Year into Duals Demo Enrollment: Early Expectations Meet Reality August 13, 2014 Perspective One year into initial enrollment in the Medicare-Medicaid financial alignment demonstrations for dual eligible beneficiaries, some initial insights are beginning to emerge. This policy insight highlights key challenges and trends emerging in states’ demonstrations.
Financial Alignment Demonstrations for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries: A Look at CMS’s Evaluation Plan July 18, 2014 Issue Brief This issue brief describes the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ plan to evaluate the financial alignment demonstrations, for beneficiaries dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid via its contract with RTI International.
Long-Term Services and Supports in the Financial Alignment Demonstrations for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries November 25, 2013 Issue Brief This issue brief compares the treatment of LTSS in the seven approved capitated financial alignment demonstrations for dual eligible beneficiaries.
Distribution of Medicaid Beneficiaries Who Use Long-Term Services and Supports, by Dual Eligibility Status, FY 2010 October 17, 2013 Slide
Percent of Older Women on Medicare with Medicaid Coverage, by Age and Race/Ethnicity, 2009 September 18, 2013 Slide
Medicaid’s Role for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries August 28, 2013 Issue Brief This brief examines the role of Medicaid in providing health coverage to the 9.6 million Medicare beneficiaries who are also eligible for Medicaid. The brief explains the role Medicaid plays in providing supplemental coverage to fill in the gaps in Medicare’s coverage for these dual-eligible beneficiaries.
Development of the Financial Alignment Demonstrations for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries: Perspectives from National and State Disability Stakeholders July 25, 2013 Issue Brief This issue brief provides an early snapshot into disability community perspectives on state design and implementation efforts related to the new financial alignment demonstrations for beneficiaries dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, with an emphasis on non-elderly beneficiaries and those who use long-term services and supports.
Dually eligible beneficiaries comprise 20% of the Medicare population and 15% of the Medicaid population, 2008 July 15, 2013 Slide
Dual eligible beneficiaries as a share of Medicare and Medicaid population and spending, 2008 July 15, 2013 Slide