Medicaid “Mandatory” and “Optional” Eligibility and Benefits June 29, 2001 Issue Brief This brief describes the current structure of the Medicaid program and provides information on coverage and spending by mandatory and optional groups.
Restructuring Medicaid Financing: Implications of the NGA Proposal June 29, 2001 Report An analysis of the National Governors Association proposal to restructure Medicaid, including the financial impact of the core of the proposal. The report considers possible responses to the reforms and outlines some issues to consider as policymakers think about reforming the program.
SCHIP Administration and Accountability June 29, 2001 Report The third in a series of reports on implementation issues and challenges in the first year of S-CHIP finds that non-Medicaid S-CHIP programs faced more administrative challenges. Success with enrollment appeared primarily related to administrative decisions, including a lower band of S-CHIP income eligibility, and the lack of premiums.
Covering the Low-Income Uninsured: Assessing the Alternatives June 29, 2001 Report This issue brief describes and analyzes expansions of Medicaid and SCHIP, tax credits for individually-purchased insurance, and tax credits for employment-based health insurance as options to expand health coverage of the low-income population.Issue Paper
Federal Budget Chartbook 2001 June 1, 2001 Report A new chart book examines Fiscal Year 2002 budget proposals by President Bush and Congress, focusing on their impact on health programs. It provides both an examination of how health care programs fit into the overall U.S. budget and a review of past budget trends and future projections for government…
How Accessible is Individual Health Insurance for Consumers in Less-Than Perfect Health? June 1, 2001 Report This report documents the findings of a study examining access to health insurance coverage in the individual market for people with health problems. Seven hypothetical consumers with varying health conditions were defined and insurers and HMOs in eight different markets around the country were asked to consider them as though…
Targeting Medicare Drug Benefits: Costs and Issues May 30, 2001 Report This report, written by Marilyn Moon and Matthew Storeygard of the Urban Institute, estimates the potential cost of targeting drug benefits to low-income Medicare beneficiaries and those with catastrophic drug expenses and discusses some of the key programmatic issues that could arise under this approach. The authors predict that a…
The Working Uninsured in California and the US May 1, 2001 Issue Brief This issue brief, prepared by Linda Blumberg and Len Nichols of the Urban Institute, examines the factors contributing to the disproportionately high rates of uninsurance among California's workers compared to the U.S. The report looks at differences in coverage by race and ethnicity, and by citizenship status, and also examines…
Immigrant Health Care Conference Call April 30, 2001 Report Federal and state policymakers face a major challenge in addressing the health needs of an increasingly diverse population. That challenge can be even greater in the growing number of cities and states with large immigrant communities. In a Commission-sponsored conference call on May 15, experts on immigrant health issues discussed…
Medicaid’s Disabled Population and Managed Care April 29, 2001 Fact Sheet Medicaid’s Disabled Population and Managed CareThis fact sheet highlights the key facts about the Medicaid managed care programs that serve persons with disabilities. It describes the Medicaid disabled population and the role managed care plays in serving them. It also provides information on enrollment in managed care, program features, and…