Medicaid Managed Care’s Impact On Safety-Net Clinics In California January 31, 2000 Fact Sheet Medicaid Managed Care’s Impact On Safety-Net Clinics In California Medicaid Managed Care’s Impact On Safety-Net Clinics In California was published in the January/February 2000 issue of the journal Health Affairs. The report provides an overview of Medi-Cal Managed Care in California, and its effects on community health clinics, and related…
Medicaid and Children: Overcoming Barriers to Enrollment December 31, 1999 Report Findings from a National SurveyThis national telephone survey of low-income parents represents a major effort to better understand the barriers to Medicaid enrollment and to test the usefulness of ideas to facilitate enrollment in a quantitative way. Examining both parents of uninsured children who appear eligible for Medicaid and parents…
Express Lane Eligibility: How to Enroll Large Groups of Eligible Children in Medicaid and CHIP December 30, 1999 Report This issue paper explores the potential for increasing enrollment in children’s health insurance programs through “Express Lane Eligibility.” Express Lane Eligibility is the accelerated enrollment of low-income uninsured children already participating in other income-comparable publicly funded programs, such as WIC or school lunch, into Medicaid or CHIP. The paper reviews…
Medicaid and Welfare Reform: States’ Use of the $500 Million Federal Fund October 2, 1999 Report This report reviews how states have responded to the $500 million federal fund that was created by the federal welfare reform legislation in 1996 to help states maintain Medicaid coverage for individuals affected by welfare reform. State Medicaid officials were asked whether they have drawn down federal funds from the…
The New Child Health Insurance Program: A Carefully Crafted Compromise October 1, 1999 Report This paper explores the major policy compromises embodied in the CHIP program. It focuses on two areas: the relative control of the federal and state governments over the program, and the design of the program in relation to the private, employer-based health insurance market. This paper is part of the…
Making Child Health Coverage a Reality: Lessons From Case Studies of Medicaid and CHIP Outreach and Enrollment Strategies September 30, 1999 Report Recent expansions in public health insurance for children and changes in welfare laws present states with the challenge of identifying and enrolling the large population of uninsured children in their Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP). This study describes and analyzes the outreach and enrollment strategies and systems in…
Access To Health Care: July 30, 1999 Report Promises and Prospects For Low-Income AmericansThis book explores critical issues affecting access to health care for low-income Americans by assessing the importance of expansions of health coverage for the poor, the emerging challenges providers who serve low-income and uninsured populations face in a rapidly evolving health care delivery system, and…
Enrollment Increases in State CHIP Programs: December 1998 to June 1999 July 2, 1999 Report A new survey of state officials, conducted by Vernon Smith of Health Management Associates for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, found that the number of children enrolled in stateCHIP programs has grown to more than 1.3 million in June 1999 from about 835,000 in December 1998. The…
The Key to the Door: Medicaid’s Role in Improving Health Care for Women and Children May 30, 1999 Report This article, authored by Diane Rowland, Alina Salganicoff, and Patricia Keenan of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, assesses Medicaid’s contributions as a public financing program for health insurance coverage for the poor over the last three decades. It reviews Medicaid’s impact on the low-income population and discusses…
California’s Undocumented Latino Immigrants: A Report on Access to Health Care Services April 29, 1999 Report California’s Undocumented Latino Immigrants: A Report on Access to Health Care Services This report provides the results of a survey of undocumented Latino immigrants in two California counties (Fresno and Los Angeles), including their access to health care services, insurance status, health status, and economic circumstances. Report