Medicare Beneficiaries and HMOs: A Case Study of the Portland Market June 29, 1998 Report This case study of the evolution of Medicare managed care in Portland, Oregon, is part of a series of four case studies being prepared for the Kaiser Family Foundation to learn more about the factors influencing, and consequences of, the growth of Medicare managed care. Portland was one of the…
The Medicare Program: Panorama General De Medicare June 29, 1998 Fact Sheet Que Es El Medicare Y Como Se Financia? Medicare es un programa de seguro medico nacional que atiende a 39 millones de ancianos y discapacitados. Antes de la existencia del Medicare, menos de la mitad de todos los norteamericanos de edad avanzada contaban con un seguro medico. Hoy en dia,…
Medicare Managed Care (Spanish) June 29, 1998 Fact Sheet Medicare Managed Care (Spanish)Fact Sheet: The Medicare Program: Funcion de Medicare Para Latinos
Medicare Beneficiaries and HMOs: A Case Study of the Tampa-St. Petersburg Market June 29, 1998 Report This case study of the evolution of Medicare managed care in Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida, is one of four in a series being prepared by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., for the Kaiser Family Foundation to examine the growth and impact of Medicare managed care. The Medicare risk (HMO) program has developed…
What’s the Diagnosis? Latinos, Media & Health May 30, 1998 Report Three reports examining how health issues are handled by the Latino-oriented media today and how Latinos use the media as an information source on health issues. The three new studies were released at the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) conference. The studies are also available separately: A National and…
Welfare Reform and Elderly Legal Immigrants May 30, 1998 Report This report presents the findings of researchers at the National Academy on Aging on welfare reform and elderly legal imigrants. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Actof 1996 included an array of structural reforms affecting access to cash assistance programs such as AFDC and SSI as well as Medicaid.…
Benefits and Costs of Consumer Protection Proposals in California: An Analysis of Selected Recommendations of the California Managed Care Task Force May 30, 1998 Report This report assesses the potential impact of selected recommendations of the Managed Health Care Improvement Task Force in the areas of access to care and specialists, information disclosure, and dispute resolution. The Managed Health Care Improvement Task Force was established in 1998 to inform state leaders about the health industry…
Impact of Potential Changes to ERISA: Litigation and Appeals Experience of CalPERS, Other Large Public Employers and a Large California Health Plan May 30, 1998 Report The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) currently preempts state law related to the wrongful denial or delay of health benefits to the extent that such laws relate to a health benefit plan sponsored by a private employer. This report examines the frequency, nature and costs associated with the appeals…
The Kaiser/Harvard Health News Index, May/June 1998 May 30, 1998 Poll Finding Health News Index May/June, 1998 The May/June 1998 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Health News Index includes questions about major health stories covered in the news, including questions about Viagra and Social Security. The survey is based on a national random sample of 1,202 Americans conducted June 12-18, 1998…
Welfare Reform and Elderly Legal Immigrants – Report May 30, 1998 Report Welfare Reform and Elderly Legal Immigrants Prepared by: Robert B. Friedland and Veena Pankaj National Academy on Aging, Washington DC July 1997 Prepared for: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, based in Menlo Park, California, is an independentnational health philanthropy and is not associated…