Survey of Non-Group Health Insurance Enrollees June 19, 2014 Report Executive Summary January 1, 2014 marked the beginning of several provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) making significant changes to the non-group insurance market, including new rules for insurers regarding who they must cover and what they can charge, along with the opening of new Health Insurance Marketplaces (also…
New Kaiser Survey of People with Non-Group Insurance Finds Nearly Six in 10 People Enrolled in Marketplace Plans Were Previously Uninsured June 19, 2014 News Release People in ACA-Compliant Plans Are Somewhat More Likely To Say They Are in Fair or Poor Health Than Those in Non-Compliant Plans People Who Switched Plans Due to Cancellation Notices or Other Reasons Are As Likely To Say Their Premiums Went Down As Went Up Overall About As Many People…
National Survey Finds 10.6 Million People Helped By Navigators and Assisters During the Affordable Care Act’s First Open Enrollment Period July 15, 2014 News Release An estimated 10.6 million people nationally received personal help from navigators and assisters during the Affordable Care Act’s first open enrollment period, finds a new Kaiser Family Foundation survey of navigators and assister programs nationally. The survey estimates that the 4,400 assister programs operating nationally had an estimated 28,000 full-time staff and volunteers, suggesting each assister would have helped more than 370 people on average during the six-month open enrollment period that ran from October 1 through March 31.
Survey Finds Approximately 3.4 Million Previously Uninsured Adult Californians Obtained Coverage Since Start of the Affordable Care Act’s First Open Enrollment Period July 30, 2014 News Release Immigration Status and Fears Pose Challenges to Further Expanding Coverage Among Hispanics Affordability Key Obstacle to Enrollment for Those Who Remain Uninsured MENLO PARK, Calif. — Nearly six in 10 (58%) previously uninsured Californians report getting health insurance since last summer, finds the second wave of the Kaiser Family Foundation’s…
The Georgia Health Care Landscape September 30, 2014 Fact Sheet The Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into full effect on January 1, 2014, ushering in health insurance reforms and new health coverage options in Georgia and elsewhere across the country. Thousands of Georgians have enrolled in health coverage through the new Health Insurance Marketplace, but Georgia has not implemented the…
Report Provides Insights from Consumer Assisters on Improving Affordable Care Act’s Next Open Enrollment October 1, 2014 News Release A new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation captures insights from those who helped consumers navigate the Affordable Care Act’s first open enrollment period, including lessons for the second , which is set to start Nov. 15. “Taking Stock and Taking Steps: A Report from…
Nine in Ten Uninsured Unaware that the Affordable Care Act’s Second Open Enrollment Period Starts in November October 21, 2014 News Release Most of Those Without Health Coverage Report Knowing Little or Nothing About the Insurance Marketplaces or About the Financial Assistance Available to Low- and Moderate-Income Families Broader Public Opinion on the Law Still Tilts Unfavorably, Though Gap Has Narrowed Since July and Returned to Pre-Rollout Levels With the second annual…
Medicare Now and in the Future October 1, 2008 Issue Brief Download PDF Issue Medicare is a valuable source of health insurance for nearly 45 million Americans – mainly seniors ages 65 and older, but also 7 million younger adults with permanent disabilities. Before Medicare was signed into law in 1965, about half of all seniors lacked hospital insurance. Today, virtually…
With Federal Support, States Hold Steady in Medicaid and CHIP Coverage Policies for Low-Income Children and Families Despite Recession January 11, 2011 News Release New 50-State Survey Finds Some States Make Targeted Expansions to Strengthen Coverage and Achieve Efficiencies as They Prepare for Health Reform WASHINGTON — Despite tight budgets, nearly all states maintained or made targeted expansions or improvements in their Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) eligibility and enrollment rules in…
Health Care in the 2008 Presidential Primaries January 17, 2008 Poll Finding This analysis find that the sharply contrasting health care platforms of the leading Democratic and Republican presidential candidates reflect dramatic differences in the perspectives of their primary voters. The article analyzes a newly released Kaiser/Harvard survey of likely primary voters in 35 states (and the District of Columbia) with January…