Medicare Spending Cuts and Hospital Productivity Gains February 25, 2015 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman and guest co-author Dana Goldman examine hospital productivity gains, and what they may mean for hospitals’ ability to absorb spending reductions. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available online.
New Kaiser Policy Insight and Issue Brief Examine Policy Implications and Legal Arguments in the U.S. Supreme Court’s King v. Burwell Case February 26, 2015 News Release With the Supreme Court set to hear oral arguments in King v. Burwell on March 4, a new Policy Insight from the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Larry Levitt and Gary Claxton explores the policy implications for consumers and insurance markets if the Court were to side with the plaintiffs in the…
Health-Care Deductibles Climbing Out of Reach March 11, 2015 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman explores the trend of higher deductibles in health plans and discusses a new analysis showing that many people with insurance don’t have sufficient financial resources to pay a mid- or high-range deductible. All previous columns by Drew…
At Five Year Anniversary of the ACA, Gap Between Favorable and Unfavorable Views Among The Public Narrows to Smallest Spread in More Than Two Years March 19, 2015 News Release Most Expect Negative Consequences if Supreme Court Prohibits Subsidies in States Without Their Own Insurance Exchanges; Two Thirds of the Public and Those in Affected States Want Congress or Their State to Close Any Gaps As April 15 Tax Deadline Nears, Nearly Half Unaware Insurance Reporting Requirement Starts This Year…
Measles Outbreak and Vaccination Debate Capture Public’s Attention March 20, 2015 News Release Those Following Measles Story More Likely To Say They Worry About the Disease The public paid more attention to news coverage of the measles outbreak in the U.S. and the resulting debate on whether vaccinations should be required for all kids than any other news story included in this month’s…
New Analysis: Half of U.S. Households Eligible for a Tax Subsidy Under the Health Law Would Owe a Repayment, While 45 Percent Would Receive a Refund March 24, 2015 News Release Estimated Average Repayment is $794. Estimated Average Refund is $773. Half of U.S. households eligible for a 2014 tax subsidy under the Affordable Care Act would owe a repayment to the government, while 45 percent would receive a refund, according to estimates from a new analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The…
Americans’ Views on the Affordable Care Act Hold Steady, with 43% Now Viewing It Favorably and 42% Unfavorably April 21, 2015 News Release Few Report Seeing Comparative Information about Health Care Prices and Quality, and Less Than 10% Use It Pocketbook and Consumer Issues Top Public’s List of Priorities for the President and Congress, Ahead of Several ACA-Related Issues This month’s Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds public opinion on the health care law…
At Tax Time, No Public Backlash Over Obamacare’s Individual Mandate April 21, 2015 News Release As tax season closes, Drew Altman looks at why the ACA’s individual mandate and tax credit reconciliation process “passed their first major hurdles this tax season with no significant public backlash,” in his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank.
New Analysis Finds US Individual Insurance Market Grew 46 Percent in First Full Year of Affordable Care Act April 29, 2015 News Release A new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that the nation’s individual insurance market grew 46 percent to 15.5 million people in the first year plans could be purchased through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces, which offer premium assistance to low- and moderate-income people. Four states — California, Florida,…
Are More Americans Benefiting From Obamacare Than Realize It? May 20, 2015 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses why many people may not know whether or not they are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available online.