Kaiser November Tracking Poll Finds Health Care a Factor in Congressional Election, But Not a Dominant One November 9, 2010 Perspective This month’s Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, conducted during the four days following the mid-term election, asked voters in an open-ended question to name in their own words the biggest factors influencing their vote for Congress, and found that health care was a factor, but not a dominant one. Among all…
West vs. South: Regional Differences in Views of the Health Reform Law November 1, 2010 Poll Finding This Data Note examines regional variations in public opinion of the health reform law based on the November 2010 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll. The analysis takes a special look at the Western and Southern regions of the country, where many states are likely to see the biggest increases in coverage…
Health Reform and the Tea Party Movement October 30, 2010 Poll Finding With much media discussion of the role that the Tea Party will play in the upcoming Congressional midterm elections, this data note takes a closer look at Tea Party supporters using the most recent Health Tracking Poll data from September. While 57 percent of voters who do not support the…
Medicare Chartbook, 2010 October 30, 2010 Report This chartbook provides the most recent and reliable data available about the Medicare program and the 47 million seniors and younger people with disabilities who get health insurance coverage through the program. Topics covered include: Medicare beneficiaries; the program’s benefits, utilization, and access to care; prescription drugs; the Medicare Advantage…
Investing in Health IT: What the U.S. and Other Countries Are Learning October 29, 2010 Event Recent legislation, including the stimulus package and the new health reform law, invests substantial funds in health information technology which can help prevent medical errors and improve the quality and value of care. However, questions have been raised about the cost of implementation and personal privacy considerations. This briefing addressed…
Alliances for Global Health Education: Learning from South-South Collaboration — Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health – The Changing Landscape of Global Public Health: Review of Progress and Tasks Ahead October 26, 2010 Event This morning session features synthesizing commentaries from Alfred Sommer, Sonia Correa, and Cheng Feng.
Alliances for Global Health Education: Learning from South-South Collaboration — Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health – The Changing Landscape of Global Public Health: Thematic Area Presentations & Knowledge Networks As Vehicles for Transformation October 26, 2010 Event This afternoon session features presentations and speaker Richard Parker.
Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health – The Changing Landscape of Global Public Health: Closing Remarks October 26, 2010 Event Conclusions and recommendations for next steps.
Alliances for Global Health Education: Learning from South-South Collaboration — Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health – The Changing Landscape of Global Public Health: Evening Reception October 25, 2010 Event A cocktail reception for conference participants and colleagues from the Mailman School of Health as well as Columbia University. Speakers include Jeffrey Sachs and Anand Grover.
Alliances for Global Health Education: Learning from South-South Collaboration — Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health – The Changing Landscape of Global Public Health: Trends Transforming the Landscape, Continued October 25, 2010 Event Late morning session from The Changing Landscape of Global Public Health at Columbia University.