State Adoption of Coverage and Enrollment Options in The Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2009 February 1, 2012 Fact Sheet The Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA) extended and expanded the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which was originally enacted in 1997. Together Medicaid and CHIP cover more than 32 million children, providing them access to needed care, including ongoing preventive and primary care that is key for…
Black Celebrities Unite In Response To AIDS February 1, 2012 News Release NEWS RELEASE Embargoed for release until: February 6, 2012 New Greater Than AIDS PSAs and Social Media Messages Mark National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (Feb. 7) More than 60 Black celebrities have united with Greater Than AIDS to bring attention to the severe and disproportionate epidemic facing Black Americans and…
A Guide to the Supreme Court’s Review of the 2010 Health Care Reform Law January 30, 2012 Issue Brief With the Supreme Court preparing to hear oral arguments about challenges to the 2010 Affordable Care Act in March 2012, this Kaiser Family Foundation brief serves as a primer on the pending case, which challenges the constitutionality both of the law’s individual mandate that requires most Americans to obtain health…
January 2012 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: The ACA and the Supreme Court January 26, 2012 Perspective As the Supreme Court prepares to hear legal challenges to the health reform law in March, the latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll shows that most Americans (59 percent) expect the Justices to base their ruling on their own ideological views rather than their interpretation of the law (28 percent). As for…
Betting on Private Insurers January 19, 2012 Perspective Just-released estimates of national health spending in 2010 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) show that 45% of our health care spending is financed by the federal and state governments, primarily through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. This share has grown temporarily in recent years because of the…
La reforma del cuidado de salud llega al público January 13, 2012 Video ¿Esta confundido acerca de cómo la nueva ley de reforma de salud realmente funciona? Este video explica los problemas relacionados con el sistema de salud actual, los cambios que están sucediendo ahora, y los cambios importantes que se anticipan para el 2014. An English-language version of Health Reform Hits Main Street is…
The California Endowment and the Kaiser Family Foundation Release “Health Reform Hits Main Street” Animation in Spanish January 12, 2012 News Release Health Reform Explained – En Español MENLO PARK, Calif. (January 12, 2012) – Today, The California Endowment and the Kaiser Family Foundation are releasing a Spanish-language version of “Health Reform Hits Main Street,” the popular animation that explains the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Written and produced by…
Dual Eligibles Tutorial January 10, 2012 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
Exploring HHS’ Role in Global Health & New Global Health Strategy January 5, 2012 Event This Kaiser Family Foundation and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services briefing explores the Department’s role in global health and its Global Health Strategy. The event features opening remarks by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.