The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies/Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Black Elected Officials on HIV/AIDS May 1, 2001 Poll Finding This chartpack highlights results from a survey of the perceptions and attitudes of 550 Black elected officials (BEOs) on HIV/AIDS issues. The survey, a collaborative effort of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the Kaiser Family Foundation, interviewed elected officials from 12 states and jurisdictions that have…
The Working Uninsured in California and the US May 1, 2001 Issue Brief This issue brief, prepared by Linda Blumberg and Len Nichols of the Urban Institute, examines the factors contributing to the disproportionately high rates of uninsurance among California's workers compared to the U.S. The report looks at differences in coverage by race and ethnicity, and by citizenship status, and also examines…
Immigrant Health Care Conference Call April 30, 2001 Report Federal and state policymakers face a major challenge in addressing the health needs of an increasingly diverse population. That challenge can be even greater in the growing number of cities and states with large immigrant communities. In a Commission-sponsored conference call on May 15, experts on immigrant health issues discussed…
Medicaid’s Disabled Population and Managed Care April 29, 2001 Fact Sheet Medicaid’s Disabled Population and Managed CareThis fact sheet highlights the key facts about the Medicaid managed care programs that serve persons with disabilities. It describes the Medicaid disabled population and the role managed care plays in serving them. It also provides information on enrollment in managed care, program features, and…
Eliminating the Medicaid Asset Test for Families: A Review of State Experiences April 29, 2001 Report A new Commission report of state experiences after eliminating the Medicaid asset test reveals that the action cut administrative costs, improved program efficiency, and increased access to health care.
Key Facts: Women and HIV/AIDS April 29, 2001 Report Women comprise a growing share of new cases of AIDS in the United States. In 1986, women only represented 7% of new cases of AIDS. By 1999 that share had risen to nearly one quarter. Not only do women represent an increasing share of persons with AIDS, today they represent…
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in California: Current Trends, Future Outlook, and Coverage Expansions — Issue Brief April 29, 2001 Issue Brief A 4-page issue brief that looks at trends in employer-sponsored health insurance coverage in California. The brief also includes public and private sector strategies for expanding employment-based coverage, and discusses how other states have implemented incremental coverage expansions using public programs and financial incentives, with emphasis on New York State.…
S-CHIP Implementation in California April 29, 2001 Report This report examines the design and implementation of California’s State Children’s Health Insurance Program (known as Healthy Families), including contracting issues, program design and administration, and access to care by adolescents and children with special health care needs. This report is one of several appearing on this website from a…
National Survey on Poverty in America April 29, 2001 Poll Finding Americans aren’t thinking a lot about the poor these days. A new survey by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government found that only about one in 10 Americans names poverty, welfare, or something similar as one of the two top issues government should address.…