Testimony on the National Governors’ Association Proposal on Medicaid – Chart Pack February 28, 1996 Report National Governors Association Proposal on MedicaidReturn to topNational Governors Association Proposal on Medicaid:Report Chart Pack
Medicaid and Long Term Care January 30, 1996 Issue Brief This policy brief reviews Medicaid's role as the nation's primary source of coverage for long-term care services and examines the implications of recent legislative efforts to restructure the Medicaid program for those in need of care in nursing homes, intermediate-care facilities for the mentally retarded, and home- and community-based settings.Policy…
Why Don’t Americans Trust the Government? January 30, 1996 Poll Finding This Washington Post/Kaiser/Harvard survey examines public understanding, perceptions, and attitudes about the role of government and public mistrust. Articles as part of this series by The Washington Post ran from Sunday January 28, 1996 through February 4, 1996.
National Survey on Public Perceptions about Contraception January 2, 1996 Poll Finding A national random-sample telephone survey conducted between January 19-21, 1996 on Americans perceptions of the risks and benefits associated with oral contraceptives, or The Pill. The survey finds that many American men and women have at least some concerns about the safety of oral contraceptives. These findings were presented at…
Perceptions and Reality: How Safe Is the Pill? The Role of the Media, Healthcare Providers, and the Pharmaceutical Industry in Shaping American Women’ January 2, 1996 Fact Sheet Perceptions and Reality: How Safe Is the Pill? The Role of the Media, Healthcare Providers, and the Pharmaceutical Industry in Shaping American Women’ A fact sheet, Q&A and resource list prepared for a media briefing that focused on public perceptions and knowledge of the safety of birth control pills compared…
HIV Prevention in Primary Care: Overcoming the Obstacles December 30, 1995 Report This guide for physicians provides resource assistance primary care physicians need to help patients identify risks and to support them in changing their behavior to reduce or eliminate risk of HIV infection. Developing synergies with public and community-based organizations can help physicians confidently refer patients who need further education or…
Delivering HIV Care in a Managed Care Environment: Issues and Strategies December 30, 1995 Report Delivering HIV Care in a Managed Care Environment: Issues and StrategiesA summary of a meeting held in September 1995, co-sponsored by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), of organizations that had received grants in 1994 under the Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Program…
Talking With Kids About Tough Issues December 30, 1995 Report Talking With Kids About Tough Issues is a national campaign to support parents by Children Now and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. This guide for parents offers practical, concrete tips and techniques for talking easily and openly with young children ages 8 to 12 about tough issues: sex, HIV/AIDS,…
Risk Selection Issues Under Medicare Reform Proposals December 30, 1995 Report This report compares the provisions designed to guard against risk selection among the Medicare population in both the Congressional Balanced Budget Act of 1995 and in the President's budget plan released in December 1995. The report also explores provisions in both that may exacerbate the potential for risk selection.Report:
The Four Americas: Government and Social Policy Through the Eyes of America’s Multi-racial and Multi-ethnic Society November 30, 1995 Poll Finding The Four Americas: Government and Social Policy Through the Eyes of America’s Multi-racial and Multi-ethnic SocietyThis report is the first of a series of surveys conducted jointly by The Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University examining public knowledge, values and beliefs on major issues and challenges facing our nation, such as…