The Massachusetts Health Care Landscape May 1, 2012 Fact Sheet This fact sheet summarizes the Massachusetts health care landscape, including data on demographics, population health, the uninsured and the state Medicaid program. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Massachusetts Health Care Reform: Six Years Later May 1, 2012 Issue Brief In 2006, then-Gov. Mitt Romney signed Massachusetts’ comprehensive health reform designed to provide near-universal health insurance coverage for state residents. Building on a long history of health reform efforts, the state embarked on an ambitious plan to promote shared individual, employer, and government responsibility. This brief examines Massachusetts’ experience with…
2012 Survey of Americans on the U.S. Role in Global Health May 1, 2012 Report The 2012 Survey of Americans on the U.S. Role in Global Health is the fourth in a series that aims to examine the American public’s views, knowledge and opinions of U.S. efforts to improve health for people in developing countries.
Health Care Costs: A Primer May 1, 2012 Issue Brief This primer on health care spending in the United States reviews the growth in health care spending since 1970 and the impact of health care costs on families and employers.
Statutory Requirements & Policies Governing U.S. Global Family Planning and Reproductive Health Efforts April 29, 2012 Issue Brief This issue brief provides a summary of the major policies and statutory requirements governing U.S. participation in international family planning and reproductive health efforts. These laws and policies collectively direct how funds are spent, which organizations receive funds and generally shape U.S. family planning and reproductive health activities around the world.
April Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Core Views on ACA Remain Stable After Oral Arguments April 24, 2012 Perspective The increased public attention to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) generated by the Supreme Court’s consideration of the law did not meaningfully change the public’s opinion of the law overall or of the specific provision at the heart of the legal case against it, the individual mandate. Forty-two percent say…
Global Child Survival Efforts: Every Child Deserves a Fifth Birthday April 23, 2012 Event This Kaiser Family Foundation briefing explores global child survival efforts, including where progress is being made, financial challenges and constraints, and opportunities for further engagement by the U.S. and others.
Health Care Costs in the U.S.: The Role of Prices and Volume April 19, 2012 Event The Alliance for Health Reform and several cosponsors held the first event in a three-part series of discussions on costs, the factors driving them up and what (if anything) can be done about them. This briefing and others in the series take an in-depth look at a select few of…
Coping with Fragmented Payment in the Real World April 13, 2012 Event The Alliance for Health Reform and The Commonwealth Fund sponsored this briefing which focused on three communities that have reformed and harmonized health care payments across payers to improve care: a New York health center that serves a low income population; a Colorado community that pools money from public and…
Quick Take: Medicaid MCOs and Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Requirements April 13, 2012 Fact Sheet One mechanism for ensuring that health insurance provides value to consumers for the premiums that they pay, or that others pay on their behalf, is to require insurers to meet a minimum “medical loss ratio” or MLR standard. The MLR is the share of premium revenues that an insurer or…