Partisanship’s Grip On The Affordable Care Act

In this Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank column Drew Altman analyzes data from an upcoming Kaiser poll and discusses how partisanship is the dominant factor shaping views of the Affordable Care Act for Republicans and Democrats enrolled in marketplace plans.

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What to Look for in 2017 ACA Marketplace Premium Changes

This brief discusses the key factors that will influence the rate changes that insurers are requesting in 2017 Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces, including current premiums, forecasted enrollment changes, increases in price and use of services, changes in policy design or network, changes in law or regulation, and competition.

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Clinton-Sanders Contest Fuels Democratic Support for Expanding Obamacare

In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses how the debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders about how to get to universal coverage has generated more support among Democrats for expanding the Affordable Care Act (and less support for the law as is).

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JAMA Forum: Reports of Obamacare’s Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

In this post for The JAMA Forum, the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Larry Levitt discusses UnitedHealth’s exit from Affordable Care Act marketplaces, the possibility of bigger premium increases in 2017, and why these challenges are unlikely to significantly affect long-term sustainability of the market and the law.

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Obamacare? Zika? Which Health Stories Americans Actually Follow

In this column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman analyzes the Kaiser Health Policy News Index to determine which health stories in the news have broken through to the public the most in the last year. One conclusion: it wasn’t the Affordable Care Act.

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Zika Virus: The Challenge for Women

In the latest post in the Policy Insights series, Jen Kates, Josh Michaud, and Allison Valentine examine how rapid emergence of Zika virus in the Americas, and its association with a severe birth defect, impact women as some health officials are calling for women to avoid pregnancy even though they have limited reproductive health access in some of the affected countries. They also examine the role of the U.S. government in addressing Zika and its impact on women in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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