Source: Health Care as an Election Issue 1992-2002: November 2002
Which one issue mattered most in deciding how you voted for U.S. (United States) House (November 5, 2002)?… Corporate reform, health care, Social Security, economy, Iraq, terrorism, education
Asked of half sample
34% Economy
16 Health care
15 Education
14 Terrorism
13 Social Security
5 Corporate reform
4 Iraq
Survey by CBS News, NBC News, CNN, Associated Press. Methodology: Conducted by Voter News Service on November 5, 2002 and based on self-administered and telephone (see note) interviews with a national adult existing voters (see note) sample of 17,872. There were 2 forms of the questionnaire which included some questions in common and some that were unique. Telephone surveys of voters in Oregon were conducted October 27-November 3, 2002. The telephone data was combined with the self-administered exit poll data. One percent of the surveys in the National Exit Poll were conducted by telephone. Data provided by The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut.