California Health Care Chartbook: Section 5: Medicaid & Coverage for Low-Income Children & Medicare
California Health Care Chartbook: Key Data and Trends
Section 5: Trends in Public Health Insurance Programs
The following exhibits can be found in the above PDF.
Exhibit 5.1aMedicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group, California and the United States, FY2000Exhibit 5.1bMonthly Medicaid Enrollment: Percent Change from Previous Year and Number of Enrollees, California and the United States, June 1997 – June 2002Exhibit 5.1cCalifornia’s Medi-Cal Enrollment by County, January 2003Exhibit 5.2Percent of Medicaid Enrollees in Managed Care Plans, California and the United States, 1988-2002Exhibit 5.3Annual Growth and Amount of Total Medicaid Expenditures (Federal and State), California and the United States, FY1991-FY2002Exhibit 5.4aFederal Medicaid Funds as a Percent of Total Federal Funds to States, California and the United States, FY2001Exhibit 5.4bState Medicaid General Fund Spending as a Percent of Total General Fund Expenditures, California and the United States, FY2001Exhibit 5.4cMedicaid Spending by Type of Service, California and the United States, FY 2002
Coverage for Low-Income Children
Exhibit 5.5aEligibility Levels for Children in Medi-Cal and Healthy Families, 2003Exhibit 5.5bChildren Enrolled in Medi-Cal and Healthy Families, California and the United States, December 2002Exhibit 5.5cHealthy Families and Medi-Cal Enrollment for Children Ages 0-17, by County, 2003Exhibit 5.5dUninsured Children, by Eligibility for Medi-Cal and Healthy Families, California 2001Exhibit 5.5eHealthy Families Expenditures, FY2002
Medicare Exhibit 5.6aMedicare Enrollment by Eligibility Category, California and the United States, July 2002Exhibit 5.6bCalifornia’s Medicare Enrollment by County, July 2002Exhibit 5.7Profile of Medicare Beneficiaries, California and the United StatesExhibit 5.8Percentage of Medicare Beneficiaries Enrolled in Medicare+Choice Managed Care Plans, California and the United States, 1989-2004Exhibit 5.9Total Medicare Spending, California and the United States, 2001Exhibit 5.10Dual Enrollee Enrollment and Spending, California and the United States, 2002Exhibit 5.11Sources of Prescription Drug Coverage, California Seniors and U.S. Medicare Beneficiaries