News outlets report on a special session of the U.N. General Assembly being convened to mark the 20th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994.

The Guardian: Activists urge renewed women’s rights focus as U.N. meets in New York
“A landmark conference in Cairo 20 years ago that sought to put women’s rights, empowerment, and well-being at the center of discussions about population growth and development has brought some change, but has not lived up to its promise, according to women’s rights campaigners…” (Ford, 9/22).

The Guardian: Cairo+20: what progress has been made on women’s rights?
“…The outcome of the International Conference on Population and Development, held in Cairo in 1994, moved away from the prevailing view that population could be controlled solely through family planning, and instead emphasized the importance of women’s social and economic empowerment to bring about change. Leaders are now meeting in New York to discuss progress since the Cairo agreement. But what do women’s rights campaigners think? They share their thoughts…” (Galatsidas/Ford, 9/22).

Inter Press Service: U.N. Urged to Reaffirm Reproductive Rights in Post-2015 Agenda
“The U.N.’s post-2015 development agenda has been described as the most far-reaching and comprehensive development-related endeavor ever undertaken by the world body. But where does population, family planning, and sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) fit into the proposed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an integral part of that development agenda?…” (Deen, 9/19).

U.N. News Centre: World leaders head to U.N. General Assembly session on population, development
“As the United Nations General Assembly begins its annual high-level session on Monday, world leaders are set to reaffirm their commitments to a U.N. action plan aimed at placing people at the center of development, and to consider new population challenges…” (9/21).

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