Experts’ Debate Over How Trade Affects Food Security Focusing Attention On Doha Talks, IRIN Reports
IRIN reports how “[a]n exchange between two leading world officials on how trade affects food insecurity in countries has helped focus attention on the stalled Doha trade talks.” A debate between Olivier de Schutter, the U.N. Human Rights Council special rapporteur on the right to food, and Pascal Lamy, director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO), “has reopened issues around the Doha talks which have been going on, in stop-start mode, for the last 10 years,” IRIN writes.
According to the news service, “Schutter said developing countries should limit their reliance on international trade to ensure they had enough food and be able to put in place measures to beef up their own production and insulate themselves from global price shocks,” while “Lamy points out that most experts, including those in the U.N., agree that international trade is part of the solution.” The article includes quotes from Schutter, Lamy, and other experts in trade and food security (12/23).
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