HRW Researcher Discusses Potential Impact Of Mexico City Policy On PEPFAR’s Efforts

Women’s eNews: Cruel Choices: How Trump’s Global Gag Rule Hurts the Fight Against HIV
Skye Wheeler, women’s rights researcher at Human Rights Watch, discusses the potential impact of the expanded Mexico City policy on PEPFAR’s efforts, writing, “It is too early to know the full scope and impact of the Global Gag Rule on PEPFAR’s success. However, a resounding message from my research was that this policy sabotages trust with the ‘key populations’ that are critical to ending the epidemic. … In the meantime, PEPFAR should closely monitor the effects of the Global Gag Rule by consulting closely with the individuals and organizations they work with. They should investigate what these restrictions mean for the efficacy of PEPFAR’s programs, to the implementation of evidence-based ‘best practices’ for health care, and to the dignity and safety of the people they serve as they seek to create an ‘AIDS-free generation'” (12/7).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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