Nevada Women's Sexual Health Data
Data on rates of STIs, HIV infections, cervical cancer screening and incidence
Rate of Reported Sexually Transmitted Infection Cases, by Gender for All Ages, per 100,000, 2023
Rates per 100,000 population. Among persons of all ages. Syphilis only includes those diagnosed with Primary or Secondary Syphilis.
HIV Diagnosis Rate Among Women Ages 13 and Older, by Race/Ethnicity, 2021
HIV diagnosis rate per 100,000 women ages 13 and older. AIAN refers to American Indian and Alaska Native. NHOPI refers to Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. Hispanic people may be of any race but are categorized as Hispanic; other groups are all non-Hispanic. “NSD” – not sufficient data.
Rate of Women Ages 13 and Older, Living with HIV, by Race/Ethnicity, 2021
Rate of women living with HIV per 100,000 women Ages 13 and older. AIAN refers to American Indian and Alaska Native. NHOPI refers to Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. Hispanic people may be of any race but are categorized as Hispanic; other groups are all non-Hispanic. Prevalence data for the year 2021 are preliminary and based on death data received by CDC as of December 2022. “NSD” – not sufficient data.