Kentucky Women's Healthcare Access & Utilization Data
Rates of cancer screenings, HPV vaccination, provider visits
Share of Women Ages 18 and Older Who Did Not See A Doctor in the Prior 12 Months Due to Cost, by Race/Ethnicity, 2023
AIAN refers to American Indian and Alaska Native. NHPI refers to Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. Hispanic people may be of any race but are categorized as Hispanic; other groups are all non-Hispanic. “NSD” – not sufficient data. “N/A” – data not available.
Share of Women Ages 18 and Older Who Do Not Have A Personal Doctor or Health Care Provider, by Race/Ethnicity, 2023
AIAN refers to American Indian and Alaska Native. NHPI refers to Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. Hispanic people may be of any race but are categorized as Hispanic; other groups are all non-Hispanic. “NSD” – not sufficient data. “N/A” – data not available.
Women Ages 40 and Older Who Report Having a Mammogram in Prior Two Years, 2020
AIAN refers to American Indian and Alaska Native. NHOPI refers to Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. Hispanic people may be of any race but are categorized as Hispanic; other groups are all non-Hispanic. “NSD” – not sufficient data.
HPV Vaccination Coverage Among Teens Ages 13-17, 2023
HPV Up-to-Date includes those with ≥3 doses, and those with 2 doses when the first HPV vaccine dose was initiated prior to age 15 years and there was at least 5 months minus 4 days between the first and second dose.