Public Opinion on ACA Replacement Plans: Interactive
This interactive tracks the public’s views of the Affordable Care Act replacement plans over the past several months. By collecting data from various surveys of adults in the U.S. conducted by Kaiser and others, we show how the public’s views have changed or remained stable as Congress considers major changes to the U.S. health care system and details of the plans have emerged from the House and the Senate. The interactive nature of the tool also allows users to explore how views vary by party identification, a key factor in people’s views of the ACA and plans to replace it, as well as among supporters of President Trump[1] Access a downloadable table of the poll results.
With the introduction of the Republican plan known as Graham-Cassidy aimed at replacing the ACA, polling shows that a majority of the public continue to view plans to replace the ACA more negatively than positively by about a two to one margin. While support among Republicans is still higher than support among Democrats and independents, some of the most recent polling (conducted by CBS News September 21-24, 2017) finds about half of Republicans approve of the latest replacement plan. In another poll conducted by the Washington Post/ABC News, not included in the tracker below due to question wording, a majority of the public prefer the ACA (56 percent) rather than the most recent Republican plan (33 percent).
Note: This interactive includes nationally representative polls of adults[2] that ask about views of plans to replace the Affordable Care Act. See the interactive table for variations in question wording as well as the individual polls included.
[1] This measure is captured differently by various organizations with some polls basing it among voters who self-report that they voted for President Trump in 2016 while some polls report it among the general population who have a favorable opinion of President Trump or approve of the job he is doing as president. See links for full questionnaires.
[2]When reported in the poll, we include results from all adults living in the U.S. If the poll results only include self-reported registered voters, we include those estimates. On average, 80 percent of adults self-identify as registered voters.