Assessing the Effectiveness of Public Education Campaigns
Policy makers frequently turn to media-based public education campaigns as a way to address public health issues of all kinds, from childhood obesity to enrolling seniors in prescription drug plans. In order to help assess the effectiveness of recent efforts, the Kaiser Family Foundation hosted a forum featuring the authors of three major studies evaluating campaigns on smoking, childhood obesity and youth STD and HIV prevention.
The forum featured presentations by:
- Donna Vallone, associate vice president for research, American Legacy Foundation
- Marian Huhman, evaluation team leader, VERB campaign
- Seth Noar, professor, University of Kentucky
The forum was held on Thursday, April 27, 2006, in Washington, D.C.
Agenda (.pdf)
Speaker Biographies (.pdf)
“Promoting Physical Activity Among Tweens: Evaluation Results of CDC’s VERB Campaign,” Marian Huhman (.pdf)
“Effects of a Televised Two-City Safer Sex Mass Media Campaign Targeting High Sensation Seeking and Impulsive Decision-Making Young Adults,” Seth Noar (.pdf)
Evaluating the truth (.pdf)