Making Ends Meet: The Medicare Generation June 1, 2011 Video This short Kaiser Family Foundation documentary profiles the experiences of three Medicare families trying to pay for their health care costs with other household spending. The families are among 16 featured in a companion report examining the role Medicare now plays in the lives of beneficiaries and the challenges many…
History of Health Reform Efforts in the United States March 25, 2011 Timeline This timeline traces the beginnings of health reform efforts in the United States through the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
Public Opinion and Health Care Policy Tutorial January 11, 2011 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
Reproductive Health Care Policy for Women in the United States Tutorial January 1, 2011 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
A Global Perspective on Women’s Health Tutorial January 1, 2011 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other…
Global Health 101 Tutorial January 1, 2011 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials…
Global Children’s Health and Mortality Tutorial January 1, 2011 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
The U.S. Congress and Health Policy Tutorial January 1, 2011 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
Health Reform Hits Main Street September 23, 2010 Video This short cartoon explains the problems with the current health care system, the health reform changes that are happening now, and the big changes coming in 2014 as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). You can view the video on our site and it is also available on YouTube.
Profiles of Generation M(2) January 20, 2010 Video This video explores the powerful force that media can be in the lives of teens and tweens. The three young people who are profiled explain what types of media they use—such as smart phones, computers, TV, video games—how much time they spend with media and what impact it has on…