The September tracking poll examines public opinion about the “super committee” and explores the views and experience of individuals who have pre-existing health conditions, in addition to continuing tracking opinion about the health reform law. Findings from the poll include:

  • Most Americans express doubt that the congressional super committee can find the right solutions for dealing with the country’s finances. More than six in ten (62%) say they trust the super committee “just a little” (34%) or “not at all” (28%) to “make the right recommendations about ways to reduce the federal budget deficit,” while only 5 percent say they trust the group “a great deal.”
  • Fifty-two percent of Americans say that they or someone else in their household has what would be considered a “pre-existing condition.” Among this group, one in five (21%) say they or their family member has had difficulty at some point getting health insurance because of a pre-existing condition, including 14 percent who say they were denied coverage because of the condition.
  • Americans’ opinions of the health reform law remain divided this month, much as they have since the law was passed. In September, 41 percent say they have a favorable view of the law, while 43 percent have an unfavorable view.

The September poll is the latest in a series designed and analyzed by the Foundation’s public opinion research team.

Findings (.pdf)

Chartpack (.pdf)

Toplines (.pdf)

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The independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, KFF is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.