Medicare Part D 2010 Data Spotlight: Coverage of Top Brand-Name and Specialty Drugs August 31, 2010 Issue Brief This Part D Data Spotlight documents the wide variations across the private stand-alone drug plans with respect to coverage of drugs, what enrollees pay for those drugs, and restrictions and limitations placed on their use. These variations have potentially significant implications for beneficiaries’ access to medications and out-of-pocket costs. The…
Mental Health Financing in the United States: A Primer April 1, 2011 Report This primer provides an overview of behavioral health care, reviews the sources of financing for such care, assesses the interaction between different payers, and highlights recent policy debates in mental health. It also discusses the role of Medicaid, currently the largest source of financing for behavioral health services in the…
Raising Medicare’s Age of Eligibility to 67 Would Achieve Significant Savings, But Shift Costs To 65- and 66-Year-Olds, Other Individuals, Employers and Medicaid, New Analysis Shows July 18, 2011 News Release Study Estimates Two in Three People Ages 65 and 66 Would Pay $2,200 More On Average For Health Care in 2014 Than They Would If They Remained in Medicare MENLO PARK, Calif. — Raising Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 67 in 2014 would generate an estimated $5.7 billion in…
Medicaid’s Continuing Crunch In a Recession: A Mid-Year Update for State FY 2010 and Preview for FY 2011 February 1, 2010 Report This report finds that 44 states and the District of Columbia are experiencing higher than expected program enrollment and spending for fiscal year 2010. At least 29 states say they are considering additional mid-year cuts in provider rates and program benefits. The recession and the scheduled end on Dec. 31,…
The U.S. Global Health Initiative: Overview & Budget Analysis November 29, 2009 Issue Brief In April 2010, the Foundation issued a policy brief examining key issues affecting the U.S. Global Health Initiative (GHI). This policy brief and chartpack provide a detailed breakdown of the U.S. budget for the global health programs in President Obama’s GHI, announced in May 2009. In addition, the regularly updated Budget…
Medicare Part D 2010 Data Spotlights August 31, 2010 Issue Brief The Kaiser Family Foundation has issued a collection of analyses related to the Part D Medicare stand-alone drug plan options available to seniors for calendar year 2010. Each of these spotlights focuses on a key aspect of the drug plans that will be available to Medicare beneficiaries in 2010 and…
Trends in Medicaid Physician Fees, 2003-2008 April 1, 2009 Fact Sheet This study, published in a Health Affairs Web exclusive, provides the first national and state-by-state update of Medicaid physician fees since 2003. Medicaid has historically reimbursed physicians under fee-for-service at levels below what Medicare and private health insurers would pay for the same services. The study finds that Medicaid fees…
Medicaid’s Long-Term Care Users: Spending Patterns Across Institutional and Community-based Settings October 1, 2011 Issue Brief The nation’s primary payer for long-term services and supports, Medicaid finances 43 percent of all spending on long-term care services and covers a range of services and supports, including those needed by people to live independently in the community, as well as services provided in institutions. This report provides an…
The President’s FY 2005 Budget Proposal: Overview and Briefing Charts June 29, 2004 Report The President's FY 2005 Budget Proposal: Overview and Briefing ChartsThe overview and briefing charts present information on the President's FY 2005 budget proposal to Congress beginning with federal surplus/deficit spending historical data and a summary of the overall composition of the Administration's budget request. The charts then detail information on…
Among Dual Eligibles, Identifying The Highest Cost Individuals Could Help In Crafting More Targeted And Effective Responses April 1, 2012 Report This Health Affairs article by researchers at the Urban Institute analyzes linked Medicare and Medicaid data to examine dual eligibles’ utilization and spending in both programs in 2007. It finds that while the population of people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid is indeed costly, it is not monolithic. For…