Managed Care Consumer Protections Offered by Medium and Large Employers October 30, 1998 Fact Sheet A fact sheet summarizing data from a survey conducted between January and March of 1998 with 1,583 firms with 200 or more workers. The survey, which is conducted annually, focuses on the characteristics of the health benefit plans sponsored by employers.The supplemental questions discussed in this brief were developed jointly…
Trends and Indicators in the Changing Health Care Marketplace: Chartbook July 30, 1998 Report This chartbook provides an overview of health care spending and trends in health plan enrollment. It highlights health insurance premiums and costs, health insurance benefits, the structure of the health care market. Data on the stock markets role within the health care industry and implications of health insurance trends for…
Impact of Potential Changes to ERISA: Litigation and Appeals Experience of CalPERS, Other Large Public Employers and a Large California Health Plan May 30, 1998 Report The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) currently preempts state law related to the wrongful denial or delay of health benefits to the extent that such laws relate to a health benefit plan sponsored by a private employer. This report examines the frequency, nature and costs associated with the appeals…
Impact of Potential Changes to ERISA: Litigation and Appeals Experience of CalPERS, Other Large Public Employers and a Large California Health Plan – Report May 30, 1998 Report Impact of Potential Changes to ERISA:Litigation and Appeal Experience of CalPERS, Other Large Public Employers and a Large California Health PlanJune 1998By Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.Sandra Hunt, M.P.A.John Saari, M.A.A.A.Kelly Traw, J.D.BackgroundThe Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) currently preempts state law related to the wrongful denial or delay of…
Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University School of Public Health: Update on Americans’ Views and Experiences in Managed Care March 30, 1998 Poll Finding Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University School of Public Health: Update on Americans’ Views and Experiences in Managed Care The Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University School of Public Health: Update on Americans’ Views and Experiences in Managed Care is based on findings from the April 1998 Kaiser Harvard News Interest Index. The survey…
National Survey of Small Business Executives on Health Care December 31, 1997 Report A survey of 800 small business executives on their views on health care and the coverage they offer their employees. The survey also asked small employers how they feel about current proposals to protect consumers and regulate managed care.
Kaiser/Harvard National Survey of Americans’ Views on Managed Care-Massachusetts Toplines to National Sample October 30, 1997 Poll Finding Kaiser/Harvard National Survey of Americans’ Views on Managed Care-Massachusetts Toplines to National Sample Note: This publication is not available on our website. However, the data from these surveys is still available through the Public Opinion and Media Research Group. Please email for more information.
Kaiser/Harvard National Survey of Americans’ Views on Managed Care October 30, 1997 Report A survey of Americans’ attitudes toward managed care, including comparisons between consumers in managed care versus those in traditional fee-for-service plans. The survey was designed and analyzed by researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University and conducted by telephone by Princeton Survey Research Associates with 1,204 adults nationwide…
A Consumers Guide to Understanding Managed Care October 30, 1997 Report A booklet to help health care consumers understand managed care. A Consumer’s Guide: Understanding Managed Care
National Election Night Survey of Voters, 1994 October 31, 1994 Poll Finding Among Issues, Voters See Health Reform As Top Priority for New Congress But Reject Major Overhaul of System For More Modest Approach Embargoed for release: 12:00 p.m. EST Tuesday, November 15, 1994 For further information contact: Matt James or Tina Hoff National Election Night Survey Also Finds: Voters Support Spending…