Age and Sex Distribution of Disabled Workers Under 65 in the SSDI Program August 27, 2024 State Indicator
El seguro de salud, explicado: ¡los YouToons lo tienen cubierto! December 10, 2014 Video En Español El seguro de salud, explicado: ¡los YouToons lo tienen cubierto! desglosa conceptos de seguros como primas, deducibles y redes de proveedores. Explica cómo las personas pagan por su cobertura y cómo obtener cuidado médico y medicamentos recetados con distintos tipos de seguros de salud, incluyendo HMOs y…
Health Reform Hits Main Street September 23, 2010 Video This short cartoon explains the problems with the current health care system, the health reform changes that are happening now, and the big changes coming in 2014 as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). You can view the video on our site and it is also available on YouTube.
The YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare: Health Insurance Changes Coming Your Way Under the Affordable Care Act July 17, 2013 Video In this animated video, the YouToons get ready for Obamacare and explore health insurance changes under the Affordable Care Act. This cartoon serves as a health reform tutorial for consumers and organizations.
KFF Analysis Finds Physician Networks in ACA Marketplace Plans Vary Widely, and Enrollees Typically Pay More in Premiums to Access Broader Networks August 26, 2024 News Release A KFF analysis of physician networks in the Affordable Care Act’s Marketplace plans finds wide variations in the share of local practicing physicians who participate, with the least costly plans generally having a smaller share of physicians than more expensive plans. The analysis examines the breadth of physician networks listed…
La reforma del cuidado de salud llega al público January 13, 2012 Video ¿Esta confundido acerca de cómo la nueva ley de reforma de salud realmente funciona? Este video explica los problemas relacionados con el sistema de salud actual, los cambios que están sucediendo ahora, y los cambios importantes que se anticipan para el 2014. An English-language version of Health Reform Hits Main Street is…
Breaking Down the U.S. Global Health Budget by Program Area June 14, 2024 Fact Sheet The U.S. government is the largest donor to global health in the world. This fact sheet breaks down the U.S. global health budget by program area: HIV/PEPFAR; tuberculosis; malaria/the President’s Malaria Initiative; the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; maternal & child health; nutrition; family planning & reproductive health; global health security; and neglected tropical diseases.
Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker December 4, 2014 Page The Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker is an online hub monitoring how well the U.S. health system is operating through key quality and cost measures. A partnership of the Peterson Center on Healthcare and KFF, the Tracker documents trends in Health Spending, Quality of Care, Access & Affordability, and Health & Wellbeing through…