The Healthcare Experience of Women with HIV/AIDS: Insights from Focus Groups – Executive Summary October 1, 2003 Report The Healthcare Experiences of Women with HIV/AIDS: Insights from Focus GroupsThis report summarizes findings from a series of focus groups with women living with HIV/AIDS. Focus group participants describe their first-hand experience with the health care system, including issues of to financing and coverage, relationships with providers, the role of…
Children and Electronic Media October 1, 2003 Report Recent years have seen an explosion in electronic media marketed directly at the very youngest children in our society, yet very little is known about how these changes have played out in young people's lives. In order to help understand the implications, the Foundation conducted a national study of more…
The Healthcare Experiences of Women with HIV/AIDS – Insights from Focus Groups October 1, 2003 Report The Healthcare Experiences of Women with HIV/AIDS: Insights from Focus GroupsThis report summarizes findings from a series of focus groups with women living with HIV/AIDS. Focus group participants describe their first-hand experience with the health care system, including issues of to financing and coverage, relationships with providers, the role of…
Health News Index Trends 1996-2002 September 30, 2003 Poll Finding In 2003, researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard School of Public Health completed an analysis of trends in attention to and knowledge about health news using data from all Health News Index tracking surveys between 1996 and 2002. The resulting article, “Health News and the American Public, 1996-2002,”…
California Health Insurance Act (SB2) Data Update September 29, 2003 Report On October 5, 2003, Governor Gray Davis signed into law the California Health Insurance Act of 2003 (also referred to as SB2). This law would require employers with 200 or more workers to either pay into a fund that will provide coverage to their workers or to pay for 80%…
Out-of-Pocket Cost-Sharing Obligations for Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries Under the House and Senate Prescription Drug Bills September 29, 2003 Issue Brief This issue paper provides information on the out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs that low-income individuals would face under the Senate versus the House Medicare prescription drug benefit legislation. Issue Paper (.pdf)
Health Challenges Facing the Nation September 29, 2003 Event Diane Rowland, executive vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation and executive director of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, testified to the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress on health insurance coverage and how the uninsured population remains one of the nation’s most pressing health care…
Serving Low-Income Families Through Premium Assistance: A Look At Recent State Activity September 29, 2003 Issue Brief This issue paper examines the policies in the HIFA waiver initiative that provide incentives for states to use Medicaid/SCHIP funds to assist in the purchase of private insurance options. It also reports on how states have responded to these new policies and what key policy questions are raised about premium…
Health Insurance Coverage in Rural America September 29, 2003 Report This chartbook presents analysis of national data on health insurance coverage based on a county's proximity to a large urban area. It answers questions of how much health insurance coverage differs among people living in rural vs. urban communities, as well as, the differences in socio-economic and employment characteristics of…
The Uninsured in Rural America (Update) September 29, 2003 Fact Sheet The Uninsured in Rural AmericaSummarizes the number of uninsured individuals in rural America, who they are, and the barriers to coverage they experience. Fact Sheet (.pdf)