The Health System Appears To Be Selling LGBT+ People Short August 2, 2021 Perspective With much focus on equity in the nation’s health care system during the pandemic, Drew Altman’s Axios column brings attention to warning signs about health care provided to LGBT+ individuals.
Corporate Leaders Are Getting Bullish On Government Action On Health Care Costs April 29, 2021 Perspective In this Axios column, Drew Altman explores whether the long struggle with rising health costs has caused the tide to turn in corporate leaders’ attitudes towards government involvement in controlling health spending and whether it is part of a larger shift in comfort with government action to solve problems.
Persistent Vaccine Myths May 26, 2021 Perspective With news that the country has now vaccinated half of its population with at least one dose, This Drew Altman Axios column highlights the persistent COVID-19 vaccine myths that are believed by a substantial portion of the unvaccinated population and discusses the options to address vaccine misinformation.