The Guardian: Even in the age of Trump, I believe we can meet the global goals
Alaa Murabit, physician, U.N. SDG global advocate, U.N. high-level commissioner, MIT Media Lab Director’s fellow, and founder of The Voice of Libyan Women and The Omnis Institute

“…[If achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is our priority], then it can happen without question. But it really comes down to what is our political priority. And that comes from citizens demanding more from their governments and public representatives; it comes from citizens telling their heads of state what their priorities are. When I look at the SDGs I think the most difficult thing to realize is that if you do not have 50 percent of society — women — working towards the goals, you’re not going to be able to achieve them by 2030. … I don’t think the SDGs themselves are unrealistic or unattainable. I think being able to create the political leverage … will be the difficult part. And a large part of that comes from partnership. That’s why goal 17 — partnership — is so important. We need businesses to demand better. We need member states who have influence or authority to demand better. We need developing countries to say they deserve better. We all need to demand better” (5/10).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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