First 1,000 Days Will Shape Child’s Nutrition, Education, Future
Huffington Post: 1,000 Days
Ed Gragert, director of the Global Campaign for Education-US
“…The Global Campaign for Education-US (GCE-US) is committed to ensuring that all young people worldwide have access to a quality education. But, unless a young person enters school healthy and ready to learn, with both a preschool education and a nutritious first 1000 days, they will find themselves behind from the outset and may never catch up with their healthier peers. … As we join with A World At School and embark on the final 500 days of the current Millennium Development Goals, we know there are still 58 million primary-school aged children out of school and as the world strives to get them an education, many will have needs arising from deficiencies from their first 1000 days. But, surely, if all of us together have the strength of many 1000 li horses, we can accomplish much in 500 days if we work together and, remember, the picture of a healthy, educated child is worth a thousand words” (8/12).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.