La reforma del cuidado de salud llega al público January 13, 2012 Video ¿Esta confundido acerca de cómo la nueva ley de reforma de salud realmente funciona? Este video explica los problemas relacionados con el sistema de salud actual, los cambios que están sucediendo ahora, y los cambios importantes que se anticipan para el 2014. An English-language version of Health Reform Hits Main Street is…
Dual Eligibles Tutorial January 10, 2012 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
Uninsured Tutorial January 1, 2012 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States Tutorial January 1, 2012 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
Guidelines for Effective Presentations Tutorial January 1, 2012 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other…
Nursing Labor Markets Tutorial January 1, 2012 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
Medicaid 101 Tutorial January 1, 2012 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other tutorials to…
Long-Term Care Tutorial January 1, 2012 Interactive This tutorial was produced for, a Kaiser Family Foundation website that ceased production in September 2013. The tutorials are no longer being updated but have been made available on due to demand by professors who are using the tutorials in class assignments. You may search for other…
AIDS At 30: The U.S. Epidemic June 21, 2011 Video “AIDS at 30: The U.S. Epidemic” chronicles the thirty years since the first cases of a rare pneumonia found in young gay men were reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. This four minute video highlights landmarks in the history of AIDS from the discovery of the AIDS virus and…
Global Health Interventions: A Review of the Evidence June 18, 2011 Interactive Global Health Interventions: A Review of Evidence (GHIR) provides policy-relevant and accessible information on the efficacy (the “what works”) of key global health interventions, including the strength of the evidence.