The Semi-Sad State of Consumer Protection In Health Care January 7, 2025 From Drew Altman In this column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman explores the state of consumer protections in health care and explains why, even with consumer frustration clear, Congress is unlikely to pursue major new health insurance protections but there could be some modest steps.
Making Sense of Medicaid Work Requirements December 17, 2024 From Drew Altman In this column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman examines the data and history around adding work requirements to Medicaid and why the administrative burdens it imposes may offset any savings even for states that ideologically favor such an approach.
The Twin Problems of Mental Health Care: Access and Affordability December 10, 2024 From Drew Altman In this column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman analyzes the serious access and affordability challenges facing people with mental health problems and suggests the issue could be one of a few candidates for bipartisan action in the next Congress.
Lessons From the Election About Voters and Health November 26, 2024 From Drew Altman In this column, KFF president and CEO Drew Altman explores why health costs weigh heavily among voters’ economic concerns, even in an election where health was not a flashpoint. The need to reframe health as a pocketbook issue for voters will be central to the competition for the votes of working class Latino voters, two groups very focused on the cost of living.
The Role Health PLAYED in the Election October 16, 2024 From Drew Altman In his latest column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman provides an early post-mortem on the role health played in the election, discussing the many ways it did play a role in the campaign — even if not a decisive one.
Health Policy is Partisan, But It’s Also Personal October 7, 2024 From Drew Altman In his latest column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman explores how America’s big health care programs — Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — provide popular benefits valued by Americans from across the political spectrum. As partisan debates move closer to legislation, people may focus more on their personal financial concerns.
Springfield, Ohio: How Candidates Amplify Misinformation September 24, 2024 From Drew Altman In his latest column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman explains the impact of misinformation about immigrants, examining the challenges of correcting misinformation shared by candidates or potentially amplifying it.
Again, No Medicaid September 12, 2024 From Drew Altman In his latest column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman explains why Medicaid, despite former President Donald Trump’s silence on the topic, warrants greater attention given the potential for drastic changes or cuts to it should Republicans win control in the election.
Harris is Reframing Health as an Economic Issue August 21, 2024 From Drew Altman In his latest column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman describes how Vice President Harris has reframed health as a pocketbook economic issue, which aligns with voters’ concern about health care costs.
The Collision of Medicaid World Views August 12, 2024 From Drew Altman In his latest column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman writes about the fundamentally different world views of the Medicaid program by Republicans and Democrats and how those ideological divides have affected policy proposals, sometimes despite the program’s popularity and broad reach.