Transforming Medicare into a Premium Support System: Implications for Beneficiary Premiums September 30, 2012 Report This study illustrates why geography would matter for Medicare beneficiaries under a premium support system that relies on a competitive bidding process envisioned under several key Medicare reform proposals. It examines potential changes in the premiums paid by Medicare beneficiaries under a payment approach that caps federal contributions per beneficiary…
Enrollment-Driven Expenditure Growth: Medicaid Spending During the Economic Downturn, FY 2007-2011 April 18, 2013 Report This report presents data on changes in Medicaid’s enrollment and spending between federal fiscal year 2007 and federal fiscal year 2011, a period which includes the worst economic downturn in the United States since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The paper also examines what factors drove Medicaid spending over…
Inside Deficit Reduction: What It Means for Medicare October 11, 2011 Event Proposals to generate Medicare savings abound, from the various commissions recommending change, members of Congress and others. Which proposals will, or should receive serious considerations by the Congressional super committee in its quest to find $1.2 trillion or more in savings by its November 23 deadline? What impact would these…
Mental Health Financing in the United States: A Primer April 1, 2011 Report This primer provides an overview of behavioral health care, reviews the sources of financing for such care, assesses the interaction between different payers, and highlights recent policy debates in mental health. It also discusses the role of Medicaid, currently the largest source of financing for behavioral health services in the…
The U.S. Global Health Initiative: Overview & Budget Analysis November 29, 2009 Issue Brief In April 2010, the Foundation issued a policy brief examining key issues affecting the U.S. Global Health Initiative (GHI). This policy brief and chartpack provide a detailed breakdown of the U.S. budget for the global health programs in President Obama’s GHI, announced in May 2009. In addition, the regularly updated Budget…
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and Global Health September 4, 2019 Fact Sheet This fact sheet describes the functions, governance, funding, and approach of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), with a particular focus on MCC’s engagement in global health.
Raising Medicare Premiums for Higher-Income Beneficiaries: Assessing the Implications January 13, 2014 Issue Brief As policymakers consider ways to slow the growth in Medicare spending as part of broader efforts to reduce the federal debt or offset the cost of other spending priorities, some have proposed to increase beneficiary contributions through higher Medicare premiums. This issue brief explains provisions of current law that impose income-related premiums under Medicare Part B and Part D, describes recent proposals to modify these requirements, and analyzes the potential implications for the Medicare population.
Total Medicaid Spending and Enrollment Growth Slowed Significantly in FY 2012 Amid Signs of Economic Recovery and States’ Efforts To Curb Costs October 1, 2012 News Release Washington, D.C. – Growth in total Medicaid spending and enrollment slowed substantially in state fiscal year 2012 as the economy began to improve and states continued to work to control costs. Relatively slow spending and enrollment growth are expected to continue in FY 2013, according to the 12th annual 50-state…
Medicaid and the Budget Control Act: What Options Will Be Considered? September 2, 2011 Issue Brief On August 2, 2011, President Obama signed the Budget Control Act of 2011 into law. The Act was designed to reduce federal spending and raise the debt ceiling. It established the Joint Select Committee, also known as the “Super Committee,” tasked with decreasing projected deficits by $1.5 trillion between FY2012…
The Crunch Continues: Medicaid Spending, Coverage and Policy in the Midst of a Recession September 2, 2009 Event This annual 50-state survey finds that number of people on Medicaid and state spending on the program are climbing sharply as a result of the recession, straining state budgets and pressuring officials to curb costs despite increased financial help from the federal government through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act…