Managed Care for Low-Income Populations with Special Needs: The Oregon Experience August 30, 1999 Report This report focuses on Oregon's experience in moving their disabled Medicaid beneficiaries into managed care. It is one of a series of reports from The Kaiser/Commonwealth Low-Income Coverage and Access Project. This project examines how changes in the Medicaid program have affected health insurance coverage and access to care for…
Survey on Education August 30, 1999 Poll Finding A new survey conducted by National Public Radio/Kaiser Family Foundation/Kennedy School of Government looks at Americans’ views on public schools and education. The survey finds strong support across the board for many improvements, even if it means paying higher taxes. The survey also finds that parents generally are enthusiastic about…
The Medicaid Eligibility Maze: Coverage Expands, but Problems Persist August 30, 1999 Report This report examines Medicaid eligibility policies and operations in five states – California, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota and Wisconsin – following initial changes introduced by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 and the new Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The study findings suggest that eligibility policy…
Managed Care and Low-Income Populations: Four Years’ Experience with the Oregon Health Plan August 30, 1999 Report This report updates an earlier study of Oregon's experience with restructuring their Medicaid programs. It is one of a series of reports from The Kaiser/Commonwealth Low-Income Coverage and Access Project. This project examines how changes in the Medicaid Program have affected health insurance coverage and access to care for the…
The Kaiser/Harvard Health News Index July/August 1999 August 1, 1999 Poll Finding Health News Index July/August, 1999 The July/August 1999 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Health News Index includes questions about major health stories covered in the news, including questions about the White House Medicare Proposal and the Patients’ Bill of Rights. The survey is based on a national random sample…
Medicaid and HIV/AIDS Policy: A Basic Primer July 31, 1999 Report The Medicaid Primer presents in depth information on Medicaid, the federal/state program that provides health coverage for low-income families and people with disabilities and is the largest source of public financing for HIV/AIDS care in the U.S. The Medicaid Primer is designed to help policymakers and advocates navigate through the…
Access To Health Care: July 30, 1999 Report Promises and Prospects For Low-Income AmericansThis book explores critical issues affecting access to health care for low-income Americans by assessing the importance of expansions of health coverage for the poor, the emerging challenges providers who serve low-income and uninsured populations face in a rapidly evolving health care delivery system, and…
A Profile of the Low-Income Uninsured July 30, 1999 Issue Brief This policy brief provides an overview of the low-income, uninsured population. Based on an analysis of the March 1998 Current Population Survey, the report discusses the demographic characteristics of this vulnerable population. It also presents information detailing health insurance coverage for low-income children and adults, as well as trends in…
Federal HIV/AIDS Spending: A Budget Chartbook July 30, 1999 Report The Federal Budget Chartbook is an update of the 1998 publication to include FY 1999 spending data and trends. The Chartbook provides a general guide to federal funding for HIV/AIDS, estimated to be nearly $10 billion in FY 1999 and details funding trends between FY 1995 and FY 1999. It…
Enrollment Increases in State CHIP Programs: December 1998 to June 1999 July 2, 1999 Report A new survey of state officials, conducted by Vernon Smith of Health Management Associates for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, found that the number of children enrolled in stateCHIP programs has grown to more than 1.3 million in June 1999 from about 835,000 in December 1998. The…