Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator Updated for 2016

The Kaiser Family Foundation’s Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator is now updated to include local data on 2016 health plans that are being sold through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces. The Spanish-language version of the calculator is also updated.

With the tool, consumers around the nation can generate estimates of their health insurance premiums and government subsidies for 2016 ACA marketplace plans that are sold in their local area. The estimates are based on zip code, household income, family size, and ages of family members. The calculator also helps consumers determine whether they could be eligible for Medicaid.

As people think about Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping, an analysis from Kaiser earlier this month shows that, in some cases, comparison shopping in ACA marketplaces could yield hundreds of dollars in savings on annual premiums.

The Foundation encourages organizations to feature the updated calculator on their web sites. For detailed instructions, please click here.

The Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator is part of a series of new and updated Foundation resources to help consumers understand health insurance and navigate open enrollment. Among other tools, Understanding Health Insurance includes:


Amy Jeter
(650) 854-9400
Craig Palosky
(202) 347-5270
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