Do You Have the Facts About Medicare’s Financial Outlook for the Future?

Medicare is likely to be back on the federal policy agenda this year as Congress and President Trump pursue repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, and potentially consider options to reduce federal spending. When talking about Medicare, the nation’s federal health insurance program for 57 million people age 65 and over and younger people with disabilities, some policymakers often express concern that the program will soon be “bankrupt” and that rising spending is unsustainable.

A new issue brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation looks at 10 essential facts about Medicare’s financial outlook that can help provide context for ongoing policy debates about Medicare’s future. Medicare’s financial status has improved since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, though the program faces long-term financial pressures associated with higher health care costs and an aging population. Key highlights from the new brief include:


Chris Lee
(202) 347-5270
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