New KFF Focus Groups Reveal Medicaid Enrollee Experiences During Unwinding

Over six months after the expiration of pandemic-era enrollment protections, at least 27 million Medicaid enrollees—or roughly one-in-three enrollees across the country—have completed their state’s eligibility renewal process for the program. Over 18 million people have had their coverage renewed and over 10 million have been disenrolled, as of November 8, 2023.

New KFF focus groups look beneath the numbers at the experiences of enrollees who have gone through the Medicaid renewal process. Drawing from five focus groups with adults in Arizona, Florida and Pennsylvania who had their coverage renewed or who were disenrolled, the focus groups probed enrollees’ experiences with Medicaid, awareness of the end of the continuous enrollment provision, experiences renewing their coverage in recent months, and—if they were disenrolled—their efforts to regain Medicaid or transition to other coverage. Insights from focus group participants highlight both where processes are working well and where policies and systems create administrative barriers to maintaining Medicaid coverage for those who remain eligible.

Among the key takeaways:

As unwinding continues, these enrollee experiences can help inform policy makers about opportunities to improve communication and outreach, simplify notices, provide assistance with renewals including through call centers, and help enrollees who were disenrolled regain Medicaid if eligible or transition to other coverage if no longer eligible.

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